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A History of Fishes: The Present workes is comprising the varieties of a few kinds of fishes out of a thous kinds. It highlights the history of several types of fishes. This book gives a detail account of Cetaceous fishes, the wholes and their varites, the Cetaceous fishes, the whales and their varieties, the cachalot fishes (Shark/Ray kinds), Spinous fishes (Pickly finned and soft finned, curtaceous and tertaceous fishes.)
Role of the Sakas or Scythians in history of the Western India of the Early Christian period; has been a desired, subject among historians. Though, there are many aspects and characters of Saka History, the author, found to the character of interesting Castana sternly underestimated and neglected by the historians. Castana built his own empire conquering almost complete West and North West India. He was simply a Ksatrapa but became Mahaksatrapa. He united the ...
As China and India are rising simultaneously, the implications of their relations have far gone beyond the bilateral level. The past few years have especially witnessed a worldwide increasing interest in this relationship, and heated debates have developed over such issues as follows: has there been any substantial change in the China-India relations since the end of the cold war? If there has, what is the driving force behind it? And what will characterize this ...
This work present a study of the history of India at the time, such as the Gandhian movement and the Hindu-Muslim Separatism.
Contents: Introduction: Hindu Music and dancing in America/Mary K. Das. 1. Spirit of Hindu art. 2. Dance-cycles of the Gods. 3. Conscious discipline of the theatre. 4. Dance forms. 5. Symbolism and gesture. 6. Plastic harmony of movement. 7. Race-spirit and the dance.
The great epic like Ramayana and Mahabharata are known to each and every scholars and readers in India but regional folk epics remains largely unexplored. However in Western India especially in Gujarat numerous epics are existed. Gujarat is accumulated with various culture, complex traditions and rituals etc. The book contains essays on many aspects of folklore exhibits the variety and important Gujarat folk rituals and attitudes.
Since prehistoric period Western India has been a settling soil for the various races, tribes and communities of the Old World on account of its straight and easily accessible routes from Central Asia on North Western side and from South Eastern Asia and Australia from South Eastern side. The Central Asian Communities, like, Indo-Iranians, Scythians, Turks etc. did come here from west. Therefore here we come across all kind of races. The Negros ...