Showing all 4 books
Vol-1: Yoga Concordance/Based on Hatha Texts (Gheranda Samhita, Goraksa Satakam, Hathapradipika, Siva Samhita and Sidhha-siddhanta-paddhati)
Vol-2: Yoga Concordance/Based on Hatha Texts (Amaraugha Probodha, Amanaskayoga, Goraksa Paddhati, Hatha Ratnavali, Satkarmasangrahah, Siva Svarodaya, Yoga Bija, Yogamartanda, Yoga Visaya, Yogayajnavalkya)
Vol-3: Yoga Concordance/Based on Hatha Texts {Brhadyogiyajnavalkyasmrti, Jyotsna on Hathayogapradipika, Vasisthasamhita ...
Jyotsna –a Sanskrit Commentary on Hathapradipika written by Yogi Sri Brahmananda- is a practical book on yoga practices as it not only provides the details of the practical procedures but also clarifies the practical instructions of Svatmarama given in Hathapradipika. This commentary provides the experiences of earlier yogis, as well as, the alternative procedures for practice which are more useful and safe as they are simple and not having any adverse ...