31 books
It is only in Indian culture that musical instruments are ascribed to Gods and Goddesses. Lord Shiva is the king of Dancers, and called 'Natraja'. Lord Krishna is a great Flutist. Goddess Saraswati is a great Veena Player. In this way almost every God and Goddess is associated with some instrument. Indian music has got vast background and cultural heritage.
In present time the music education system has completly changed. The glory of Indian Music has spred all ...
English was introduced in India by the Britishers. Very soon itbecame the official language; a language which was related tostatus. After independence, the feeling of patriotism developed afeeling of love and pride towards Indian languages and Hindi wasacknowledged as the National Language. But nobody can refuse theimportance of English as an International language. KothariCommission recommended it as a library language.
The present effort aims to Understand the personality of Padma Shree awardee Gulam Rasool Santosh, a modern Indian artist - an individual, possessing multidimensional personality, with a natural approach to life. An avid colourist and ceaselessly inventive artist, Santosh was in the vanguard of Neo-Tantric waves in modern Indian painting. To present a total view of the development of his journey as an artist, an effort has been made to focus on the aspect that ...
The introduction of agriculture, around 10,000 years ago, brought about the greatest change in human life after the emergence of tool-making capability among the hominids some 2.5 million years ago. No other single event has so thoroughly transformed human life and society as the introduction of agriculture. Agriculture brought about permanently settled life and security of food and triggered the greatest demographic explosion in human history. With the ...
In the present book, it has been very methodically and logically tried to introduce, the mythological and literary content, significance, symbolic and religious meanings and other aspects of representation of elephant form in Indian art. To present a total view of the development of the elephant form in Indian art, with its different connotation, it has been brought here into discussion, how elephant has been depicted in Prehistoric art, in the art of Indus ...
This book gives a full view of the Indian history from the Ist urbanization to the 2nd urbanization. It begins with the history of the origin of the Indus civilization. It delineates the genesis and growth of urban architecture of the Harappans through the various discoveries from so many sites in the Indian subcontinent. It discusses the society, religion, economy, polity, art and architecture and different causes of the end of the civilization. The book also ...
The book portrays the profile of Gems and Jewellery in the Indian Historical perspective. It dabbles in sources and geographical distribution of gems, physical and chemical properties theirof and their working, occult and religious association and treatment of Jewels for Jewellery. It is a bid, a venture to trace the career of gems from their matrix to Jewellery-forms and to retrieve them from dim recesses of time, distant interiors and dark corridors of ...