Kalinga Publications

66 books
Pakistan is confronted with the crisis of national identity ever since its inception as an independent state in 1947. The major communities of Pakistan have been asserting for their identity and autonomy, there by questioning the very contours of the Pakistani state: The two nation theory. The Mohajir community though supported the idea of Pakistan, have been struggling for their identity and status. Why do they feel isolated? Why is that the major ethno-cultural ...
There are thirty African countries who are member of La Francophonie. African continent has the largest number of French speaking people totaling over 150 millions. This region also has around half a dozen exclusive Francophone regional organizations which have their own currency and institutions. India despite having a strong Indo-African relations, has little bilateral and multilateral interactions with most these francophone countries and regional entities. ...
India-Nepal relations have been a subject of high significance for both the countries. The treaties and agreements concluded between the two countries from time to time clearly shows the mutuality of interests and need for cooperation and intimacy between the two countries. The present book is a collection of various treaties, agreements and understandings concluded between India and Nepal since the days of East India company. The book is divided into three ...
India has historical and multi dimensional relations with Africa. However, barring a few exceptions, the closer interactions of India with African countries remained confined to Anglophone Africa, most of whom are coastal states or hinterlands of the Indian Ocean. Over two dozen Francophone states, most of whom are in Western and Central Africa remained out of Indian policy priorities. Divergence in colonial experience, language, distances etc. are acting as ...
’Bangladesh – Us relations: from cooperation to partnership’ is an effort to analyze the evolution and development of political, economic, military, technological and cultural relations between Bangladesh and the US with special emphasis on the post liberal period. It throws light on the US South Asia policy, and the western leaning of East Pakistan’s leadership before the inception of Bangladesh as an independent nation. The US, on the other hand, had ...
South Asian immigrants to the United States and Canada have already established a distinct identity for themselves. Their positive contributions to the enrichment of American and Canadian societies have been well recognized. The summative essay in the book clearly delineates not only the positive contributions made by these affluent immigrants but also identifies some of the unforeseen challenges faced by them in a multicultural environment with a predominance of ...
This book entitled "India, Germany and European Union : Partners in progress and prosperity", is a brilliant collection of articles and research papers on contemporary Indian, German and European affairs. India, Germany and European union are traditionally three entities who have enjoyed closed and cordial relations for quite some time now, both in areas of technological as well as economic co-operation. The modern times have heralded the emergence and ...
The institution of the Indian state governorship has attracted the scholarly attention of Indian and international scholars. Political Behavior of Indian State Governors: A Study of the Role of Governor in Orissa contains subtle but telling differences from other books about the Indian state governorship. It is the first major analytical work on the political behavior of the Indian state governors. This study provides a unique exploration and behavior analysis of ...
The international system has been passing through a phase of profound turbulence and flux since the end of the cold war. The inescapable reality of globalization has induced consequences hard to explain or predict. India has also borne the burnt of these global changes. The international systemic determinants of the Indian foreign policy prevailing until the 1980s stand altered today. India is faced with momentous challenges and opportunities at the dawn of the ...
On May 11 and 13 1998, India conducted a total of five underground nuclear tests in the Pokharan range of Rajasthan, breaking 24 years of self imposed moratorium on nuclear testing. Pakistan followed with five tests on 28 May 1998 in Chhagai Hills of Baluchistan, and an additional test on 30 May. The Indian tests surprised the world and particularly the US intelligence and policy community. Although the Indian Government claimed concern about the deteriorating ...
The phenomenon of migration has attracted scholars of different disciplines as it helps in understanding socio-economic dynamics of a society. Migrations, a widespread and historical process as it is, has diverse implications for individuals and society whether it takes place within or outside national boundaries. Indo-Nepal migration though an international migration has certain peculiarities due to geographical, socio-cultural and political factors. The ...
Tibet has currently under the Chinese occupation and the world acknowledge the occupation of Tibet by China correct. Tibetans are fighting for their independence. They are not only fighting for their independence but also for survival of their language, religion, customs, culture and ethos. They are under attack by Chinese from every quarter. As a race Tibetans differ from Chinese, they have their own language, history, cultural ethos entirely different from ...
The book provides a comprehensive analysis of the politics of regionalism in Pakistan. It discusses the regional tensions right since 1947 upto General Musharraf’s phase. Although, the ruling elite of Pakistan made loud claims to have resolved the issue of nation building and integration, the reality has been quite opposite to the claims of the ruling elite. All the four provinces of the Pakistan are plagued by regional tensions: these tensions have ...
Soon after the dawn of Jainism on Indian sub-continent, which happens to be its cradle-land, the image worship was introduced in the faith. These articles of the religious faith were established in many of the Jaina shrines in the country. But consequent to the onslaught of the foreign invaders, several of the religious edifices had been destroyed and the vandalism of the sculptural art became quite rampant. The artefects that could be saved from vandals were ...
Issues and problems of governance, particularly in the third world countries have increasingly come under the gaze of social scientists and political activists alike. Ethnic conflicts, political movements, socio-religious conflicts and other violent upsurges on the one hand and widespread corruption, criminalization of politics, soft regimes, bureaucratic inefficiency and red tappism on the other are some of the more important manifestations of the problem ...
Nepal is the closest neighbouring country of India. Despite vast differences in size, resources, population, capabilities and levels of development there are several factors which have made their relationship cooperative as well as conflictual. The geographical and sociocultural and religious proximities, close economic interlinkages and Nepal's excessive economic dependence upon India primarily due to its landlocked nature, Nepal's strategic importance ...