Kerala Forest Research Institute

36 books
Bamboo occupies an unparalleled position in the plant kingdom in terms of its distribution, diversity and uses in the tropics and subtropics. In addition to featuring prominently in the lives of rural communities, particularly in Asia, it continues to find new applications in such wide ranging areas as paper and rayon manufacture; construction; architecture; engineering; handicrafts; food and medicine. Within Asia, India is second only to China in terms of the ...
Bamboo Information Centre - India, supported by the International Development Research Centre, Canada, was established at the Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi in July 1989. The primary objective of the Centre is to collect, organise and disseminate information on bamboos of South and South-East Asia. Efforts have been made to collect and document bamboo literature from the area as exhaustively as possible. The Centre has been publishing BIC-India ...
Rattans or canes, the climbing palms of the family arecaceae form one of the most useful forest resources, utilised for the manufacture of a wide variety of furniture and articles of decoration. They provide gainful employment to many people in rural and remote areas, praticularly among the tribal people. Western Ghats of southern peninsular India with its rich tropical evergreen rain forests, form one of the few ideal habitats in India for these plants to ...
Palms are one of the multi-use monocots confined to tropical regions of the world. They form, in some way or other, a vital component in every day lives of people especially in Asia and Africa. The aesthetic value of palms is no less important than their traditional and commercial values, and hence they are cultivated widely as ornamentals. In addition to indigenous palms mostly confined to peninsular India, north-eastern India and Andaman & Nicobar islands, ...
Bamboos, popularly known as giant grasses, with more than 1575 species in the world, occurring in a wide variety of soil and climatic conditions, play an important role in providing livelihood, ecological and food securities to mankind. In India, recognition of the suitability of bamboo for paper pulp in the beginning of twentieth century changed the fate of bamboo which otherwise was considered as weed. Since then there has been a steady decline in the bamboo ...
Under the International Rural Bamboo Project funded by ODI and in collaboration with the Natural Resource Institute, UK, a 25 minute CD-Rom on bamboo and its uses was produced. The film narrates the growing and use of bamboo in rural homesteads of Kerala. It incorporates the views and aspirations of all stakeholders in the bamboo scenario.
Proper documentation and investigation of biodiversity has become essential from the point of view of conservation and sustainable utilization, especially after the 1992 declaration on Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The Kerala State, forming the southern part of the Biodiversity hotpot in Western Ghats, is rich in flora and fauna including several endamics. The literature on various aspects of plants and animals is being generated by research and ...
Proper documentation and investigation of biodiversity has become essential from the point of view of conservation and sustainable utilization, especially after the 1992 declaration on Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The Kerala State, forming the southern part of the Biodiversity hotpot in Western Ghats, is rich in flora and fauna including several endamics. The literature on various aspects of plants and animals is being generated by research and ...
Proper documentation and investigation of biodiversity has become essential from the point of view of conservation and sustainable utilization, especially after the 1992 declaration on Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The Kerala State, forming the southern part of the Biodiversity hotpot in Western Ghats, is rich in flora and fauna including several endamics. The literature on various aspects of plants and animals is being generated by research and ...
The handbook will be useful to the students, researchers and teachers and this will motivate the researchers to initiate studies on this little known group of animals.
This field guide describes twenty seven species of mammals based on their indirect evidences. No attempt has been made to include species other than mammals, mainly due to the difficulty in distinguishing them based on indirect evidences. A Key is also provided for identification of species based on indirect signs.
Proper documentation and investigation of biodiversity has become essential from the point of view of conservation and sustainable utilization, especially after the 1992 declaration on Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The Kerala State, situated in the southern part of the Western Ghats, a biodiversity hotspot, is rich in flora and fauna including several endemics. The literature on various aspects of plants and animals is being generated by Research and ...