Knowledge Bank Publishers & Distributors

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For the revitalization of India’s ancient crafts and rural industries, Gandhi conceived a dynamic concept of Constructive Programme which emphasizes upon rural resource based Khadi and Village Industries (KVIs) for indigenous productive of consumption goods. Present book is a well-researched work on economics of KVIs covering their various aspects and dimensions such as financing, human resource development, technology transfer, production, marketing and ...
This book is a self-contained, comprehensive covering the entire gumut of the course of engineering Mathematics for 4 years B. Tech program of IITs, NITs and all other universities in India. The book is written in a lucid, easy to understand language. Each topic has been thoroughly covered in scope, content and also from the examination point of view. For each topic, several worked out examples, carefully selected to cover all aspects of the ...
The book offers students and practitioners the comprehensive coverage they need to make the right decisions to create and implement highly successful marketing strategies. This exciting new book combines scholarly international research with relevant and contemporary examples from markets and brands across the world. The aim of this book is to give the student a comprehensive overview of the current state of academic and practitioner thinking on ...
This book has been especially written according to the requirements of the syllabus. The text of this book has been written uniquely and comprehensively that has been discussed in such a simple way that the students will find no difficulty to understand and learnt about it. This book contains complete theory, description and all the aspects of Financial Management. The tern ‘Financial Management’ has a number of meanings including the ...
Caryapada is the ancient literature written by Mystic Buddhist saints during eighth century A.D. A number of literatures of Eastern India such as Maithili, Bengali, Oriya, Assamese. Bishnupriya claim that their literature flourished on these mystic poetry. In fact, in subsequent literature, all these languages, impact of Caryapada has been noticed. The book covers literary development of all these languages, during subsequent period, starting from Caryapada and ...
This is a book of collection event of the 'Electric Telegraph' and the 'Sepoy Mutiny' mix up with two-in-one form in a compact volume.The object of this book is to make the fictional whole present is true perspective of fact. The fact of the newly establish telegraph in speeding up communication come up when the Sepoy War 1857-58 commences.The most dramatic event of the telegraph in the service of the empire, the British together with the people, ...
Games are played as pleasure, to ensure better physique to participants and of course for entertainment. Various games were developed round the globe which varied up to certain proportion depending on environmental and social situations. Manipur is a tiny land situated at North Eastern corner of India which was subject to influence from various streams of human races thus formed an unique culture. It has influence on their games and sports too. The book deals ...
Papers presented at a national seminar held at Agartala during 25-26 March 2008.
There are three hundred types of plants in palm family found all over the world. There are sugar yielding palm, oil yielding palm etc. The book deals with eight types of palm trees commonly found giving details of their virtues like Medicined virtue, edible oil, craft, sugar and various value added products out of them. The book also deals with various taper communities, various organisations working in palm sector, their strength and weakness besides ...