KW Publishers (2)

27 books
Political stability is an essential requirement for providing the right environment needed for peaceful communities and the vision of political leadership plays a key role in growth of a country. The NDA Govt has already completed its first three years and BJP is certainly on a rise. With a massive mandate in Uttar Pradesh and an expanding footprint across the country, it seems impossible to stop the Modi juggernaut in 2019. But, is the reality that simple and ...
Kurdistan, the name given to the Kurds’ historical homeland, is a landlocked region that lies at the crossroads of Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. After the fall of Ottoman Empire the Kurdish people were promised independence by the treaty of Sevres in 1920. The Kurds are known as a nation without borders and consider as a stateless people. Aftermath of the Arab Spring in 2010, Kurdistan has witnessed an increase in nationalism and a shift in geo-politics. ...
Containing thirteen chapters by Indian and European scholars and practitioners, this volume critically examines the multifarious domestic and external challenges that Pakistan confronts today. It discusses the vicissitudes of the European Union’s relations with Pakistan and the cultural, economic, political and military relations of Central Europe and key European countries-France, Germany and the United Kingdom-with Pakistan.
The study highlights the ...
This book is an amalgamation of two of my passions-studying history and writing poetry. It is a result of a project of choice for the school, for which Delhi was the topic that was taken to be elaborated not only historically but poetically too. The journey of exploring the history of Delhi, the visits to the monuments and photography brings to life the era long left to textbooks.
The poems penned are of different styles – free verse, haiku and limerick. ...
We were first introduced to Brenda Wong and her family in Three Chinese Travellers to India, which Roger R. Hale wrote collaboratively with his wife, Elizabeth Chien-Hale.
In the second of three short stories, Brenda Wong is a proud mother, daughter and wife who, along with her husband Milton, is starting a family in Cupertino, California. As a result of Milton’s job, the family relocates to Bengaluru, India for three years before returning to Northern ...
With the shift of global power from West to East, we have entered the era of an Asia-cantered century. The rise of China and India, the recovery and resurgence of Russia on one side and Japan on the other, and the nature of the international order are leading to enormous changes. These transformational changes in the military, economic and political dynamics of Asia are accelerating with the passage of time. Historically, changes in the international order and ...
In recent decades, marine archaeologists working in near-shore underwater areas have brought to light new find of enormous value. Scholars, working in their respective discipline areas concerning specific ports, have not been able to build a holistic perspective on the ports of the past, and their rise and decline. This is, to an extent, due to a lack of sea-perspective of the ports and their navigational environment.To fill this gap, through an interdisciplinary ...
The ORF-Heritage Foundation Counter-Terrorism Dialogue, that took place in New Delhi on July 20-21, 2010, brought together top Indian experts led by Ambassador M. Rasgotra, President, ORF Centre for International Relations and a distinguished American delegation led by The Heritage Foundation's Vice President for Foreign and Defence Policy Studies, Dr. Kim Holmes, to exchange ideas for expanding US-India counter-terrorism cooperation.The main themes of the ...
The nation's general environment comprises men and women with high intellect and the wisdom to evaluate the change that is continuously taking place at a frenetic pace. The nation and the armed forces also need to act accordingly, keeping the national interests uppermost. This book commences with a canvas indicating the present combat environment and the changes that are expected to occur, in which Army Aviation will be expected to function. Subsequent ...
India: one billion people, one million problems, one nation. Five thousand years ago, Manu took a stroll along the banks of the Ganges. Fortuitously, for mankind, he encountered a fish, which warned him of a looming great flood, one that would destroy humanity. In the aftermath of the devastation, Manu’s protégés were condemned to a life of suffering. Survival was tough. They walked the earth and toiled an unforgiving land. It seemed natural, ...