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The letter 'Epistle of Victory' was addressed by the Tenth Master - Sri Guru Gobind Singh in reply to a letter from Aurangzeb requesting the Guru to meet him in the Deccan. The Guru had turned down the Emperor's request but invited Aurangzeb to meet the Guru at Dina (Kangar) village and the Guru would guarantee his safety. This letter was taken by Bhai Daya Singh and Bhai Dharam Singh and delivered this letter to Aurangzeb at Ahmed Nagar which ...
The main object in writing this book has been to present a picture of Guru Gobind Singh, consistent with his views and teachings. An attempt has been made to examine critically and eradicate the prejudices that, through malice or ignorance, have come to be associated with the name of the Guru. It has been found that the histories written by the Guru's overzealous and unscrupulous admirers are marred by lavish attempts to prove him an equal of the Hindu ...
Guru Nanak Dev had brought a new and novel method of leading this human life in close proximity to the Prime-Soul, the Lord Creator, as without that mind-set this life would be a sheer wasteful effort. Various philosophers before Guru Nanak Dev had given their views on the subject of a successful human life and its main purpose. Various theories had been propagated, which included meditation, penance, leading life of seclusion, (leaving the life of a ...
Sardar Kartar Singh Sarabha, one of the greatest martyrs of India's freedom struggle, was from among the founding fathers of Gadar Party, abroad. This Party of fearless revolutionaries aimed at armed action against foreign empire. Getting inspiration from this brave young man numerous others followed him and joined the war of Independence and sacrificed their lives for the country. Activities of Kartar Singh Sarabha who was hanged to death at ...
Ages had passed since the star of Brahmarishi Desh became occult. No light was shed from the firmament, and in the Pitch darkness that then reigned supreme, the Yavans danced merrily, holding aloft the bleedin heads of infant Rishi Kumars, and the wails and cries of Aryans mothers supplied the music. On one such occasion, Guru Nanak himself was made captive, together with his bard, Mardana. The harrowing scene he witnessed has been graphically ...
The Eternal Bliss brings out clearly the philosophy of one's Ideal of life as visualized by Guru Amar Das and enjoined upon all Sikhs, in attaining Eternal Bliss in life in the form of a unison with the Lord. It includes the complete translation of Anand Sahib in Sequence, followed by a central theme of each stanza alongwith its philosophy quotations from Guru Granth Sahib. The Figures in brackets given under various hymns indicate the page numbers ...
Almost a hundred years ago, a ship with about 350 passengers aboard docked in Vancouver harbour. No one was allowed to land and the ship battered with months long sea storms placed under siege by Canadian navy instead. Helplessness of the passengers as well as their sympathizers on ground knew no bounds. Dismayed and broken hearted Baba Gurdit Singh, the Chief Organizer, had to sail back. Almost a hundred years later, right at the same spot, ...