Laxmi Publications

139 books
In the clinical practice, History taking, Inspection, Palpation, Percussion and Auscultation. are taught right from the entry of a student into a clinical medicine Department till he/she becomes a general physician/ surgeon or superspecialist in any of the branches of medicine/surgery. With the passage of time, there have been many innovations which have taken place in the discipline of clinical cardiology. Although techniques of Inspection, palpation, and ...
The book Capital Market and Investment Management has been written for students of Management, Commerce, CAs and International Business. It is also helpful for practitioners, academician and research scholars.This book contains comprehensive and full resources of Capital Market and Investment Management. A number of Stock Exchanges are covered in this text along with the basic concepts of Capital Market. Various kinds of Capital Market and Financial Institutions ...
The present book on 'Automobile Engineering' intends to cover the course material for the students of engineering stream. The author, while teaching the subject, always felt the need of a book that could present the matter with simple and proper diagrams. It is an attempt with the same motive. The book also includes the Motor Vehicle Act as applicable in our country. It is only legal information. As the norm is that the Acts get amended from time to time ...
This book has been written specially to meet the exhaustive requirements of the subject "Manufacturing Processes" of B.E. 1st year Examination of "U.P. Technical University, U.P."Salient Features:The presentation of the subject matter is very systematic and the language of text is lucid, direct and easy to understand. The book provides a comprehensive treatment of the subject matter under wide range of topics mentioned in the syllabus of the ...
The book Machine Tools has been written for the students of B.E./B.Tech., Mechanical and Production Engineering for JNTU as well as other Indian Universities.Salient features of this book are:This book is an attempt to provide all necessary information about Machining Process. The subject matter has been presented in simple and systematic way with numerous diagrams so as to enable thorough understanding of the topic. Important review questions have been ...
This book has been written specially to meet the exhaustive requirements of the subject Basics of Mechanical Engineering of B.E. 1st year Examination of MDU, Haryana.Salient features:The presentation of the subject matter is very systematic and the language of text is lucid, direct and easy to understand. The book provides a comprehensive treatment of the subject matter under wide range of topics mentioned in the syllabus of the above mentioned university, ...
The book Engineering Mechanics Practical is a complete laboratory manual for the Engineering mechanics course of the undergraduate syllabus. This has been prepared with the view to have complete understanding of practicals and its related theory. The questions given at the end of each practical are very important and all students should be able to answer those questions after going through this manual and performing the practical. The other objective of this ...
The book "Theory and Applications of Mechanical Sciences Part-1" consists of three sections. Section A deals with 'Statics', Section B deals with 'Dynamics' and Section C deals with 'Strength of Materials'. In Section A there are nine chapters (1 to 9), Section B is having eight chapters (1 to 8) and Section C is having three chapters (1 to 3). Totally solved examples give the students in-depth knowledge about the subjects. The ...
This book on "Applied Thermodynamics" has been written for the students preparing the subject for B.E. examinations of various Indian Universities, A.M.I.E. and competitive examinations. The book contains 11 chapters in all, and deals the subject matter exhaustively.Salient Features:The presentation of the subject matter is very systematic and the language of the text is lucid, direct and easy to understand. Each chapter of book is saturated with much ...
Contents:Part A: Thermodynamics: 1.Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics 2.First Law of Thermodynamics 3.Second Law of Thermodynamics and Entropy 4.Ideal and Real Gases5.Properties of Steam 6.Gas Power Cycles 7.Internal Combustion Engines Part B: Strength of Materials 8.Simple Stresses and Strains 9.Principal Stresses and Strains 10.Bending Stresses 11.Torsion of Circular Shafts, Question Papers-With "Solutions".
The book "Theory and Applications of Mechanical Sciences-Part-2" consists of two section. First section consists of twelve chapters which focus on Basic Thermodynamics. Second section consists of five chapters which focus on Basic Fluid Mechanics. Each chapter is having solved examples taken from university question papers. This book is written in easy and simple language and very useful for the students. This book fulfils all the requirements of ...
Contents:1. Carpentry Shop 2. Fitting Shop 3. Welding Shop 4. Sheet Metal Shop Additional Objective Type Questions.
This is a comprehensive book which caters to the needs of Engineering Machines course of undergraduate syllabi of almost all Indian universities. It deals thoroughly with the basic laws of mechanics combined with the emphasis on the use of correct free-body diagrams. Standard notations have been used. It is a balanced mix of theory and well graded solved examples. Problems have been solved systematically by using the correct approach. New approach of applying ...
The book Materials Management aims to help the students of Undergraduate and Post graduate Engineering degree courses in Management courses, Industrialist and persons involved in Manufacturing systems engineering in any type of industry. This book is written in a simple and lucid language so that the students may understand the concept of the topic clearly. Latest information and techniques have been introduced in various topics. Lots of industries block their ...
Mechatronics is a subject that requires multiple skill sets. The subject, being interdisciplinary, includes the topics from Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering. This book contains information from the theory and the application point of view, for the design and development of a mechatronic system. The basics and their deliberations are dealt to the extent needed for the undergraduate studies of mechanical engineering at various ...
This book is meant for Engineering students of Mechanical branch. The book has been written strictly as per new syllabus of Punjab Technical University (PTU), Jalandhar. However, it shall be useful to students of other branches and universities. The book is divided into three sections. Section-A deals with physical metallurgy, Section-B deals with phase transformation and Section-C deals with heat treatment. The book contains large number of diagrams to give ...
The book "Theory and Applications of Operations Research" consists of thirteen chapters. Each chapter is having solved examples taken from university question papers. The author has used double lines for key column and key row for better visualization of key number. The economic interpretation of dual variable is given with a numerical example. This book fulfils all the requirements of students of Indian Universities.Contents:1.Introduction to Operation ...
The book deals with twin fields of Reliability, Maintenance and Safety Engineering, highlighting an integrated approach for achieving optimum product reliability and managing physical assets, through effective maintenance and safety. This book illustrates how the implementation of a combination of engineering and management concepts is of paramount importance. All areas in the field of corporate activity, valid for both the large and small enterprises, which ...
Today, world as well India is facing a big challenge in manufacturing and service sector. The book can provide solutions to different problems faced by the production and operation managers. This book will help both people working in organizations as well as students. For long the term production has been associated with a factory where goods are produced in the physical sense. However by generalizing the concept of production as the process through which goods ...
Salient Features:1.Clear illustrations 2.Student friendly text 3.A large number of Solved Problems and Case studies 4.Excellent Summaries 5.Important Reviews.Contents:1. Metal Casting Processes 2. Fabrication Processes 3. Bulk Deforming Processes 4. Sheet Metal Forming Process 5. Forming and Shaping of Plastics