Library of Tibetan Works & Archives

144 books
In the present work Taranatha paints a miraculous picture of the great Siddhas of India their lives and the lineages which sprang from their teachings In all the lives of some 59 Siddhas are related some well known others more obscure but all linked by their various lineage and by the instructions handed down from Siddha to disciple. Tarantha’s account of these remarkable lives is especially valuable as he had his gurus and as the sources of these accounts ...
The Origin of Tara Tantra by Taranatha, one of the most accomplished scholars of the unorthodox Jo-nan sect, strings together from various fragmentary sources a mine of legends and episodes on the origin and diffusion of Tara's Tantra.
Translated by David Templeman, this work is supplemented with voluminous notes, an excellent appendix and a comprehensive bibliography for the serious readers. Similar in style to the author's bkah. Babs. Bdun. Idan (1600), this ...
This condensed biography, a Handful of Flowers, was composed in praise of Buton Rinchen Drub, one of Tibet's most outstanding scholars, who lived from 1290 to 364. known as the 'Lord of Zhalu' Zhalu being the location of his principal monastery-this unique master was a prolific translator into Tibetan of the Buddha's teachings, as well as a supremely wise and compassionate teacher who worked tirelessly to bring all beings to liberation.
His close disciple, ...
The Foundation of Buddhist Meditation by Ven. Kalu Rinpoche was first published as a pamphlet by us in 1973. In 1981 it was included in an anthology Four Essential Buddhist Texts, which was reprinted in 1982 and in booklet form in 1992. Now we are pleased to bring out this new format in response to persistent demand.
The Foundation of Buddhist Meditation outlines the basic meditation practices common to all sects of Tibetan Buddhism.
The late Ven. Kalu Rinpoche, ...
Account of a Pilgrimage to Central Tibet investigates a rare text, the dbus gtsang gi gnas bskor and its author ‘Jam-dbyangs-bstan-pa-rgya-mtsho, about whom very little was formerly known. This Brag-dgon-pa lama made his pilgrimage in 1916, while visiting central Tibet and meeting the 13th Dalai Lama.
Besides an edition and annotated translation of part of the guidebook, as well as a translation of the biographical material about ...
Je Tsong Khapa (1357-1419) is revered as one of the most significant Tibetan Buddhist teacher whose eclectic and analytic studies and meditations in all the major schools of Tibetan Buddhism resulted in the founding of the Gelugpa system of the Tibetan Buddhist heritage.
The life and Teachings of Tsong Khapa brings together for the first time a number of extremey important and useful works by and on Tsong Khapa touching transcendental aspects of Sutra, Tantra and ...
The texts presented here are an intermediate –length sadhana and a concise self-initiation ritual of the solitary Hero Vajrabhairava. After receiving the higest Yoga Tantra initiation of Vajrabhairava, and then completing the retreat of this deity, with the compensating ritual fire offering of peace, one is authorized to do the self-initiation. It is important to do the self-initiation in order to restore broken vows and tantric commitments. A sadhana must ...
The Treasure of the Ancestral Clans of Tibet Translation of Bod mibu gdong drug fir us mdzod me tog skied zhes bya ba bzhugs so somposed jointly by Gyilung Tashi Gyatso and Gyilung Thugchok Dorji Tibetan scholars in Tibet and published by the Religious Affairs Committee of Qinghai Prefecture. Based on various old Tibetan records folksongs biographies oral stories etc. this book discusses the origin of Tibetan People supporting the traditional Tibetan theory that ...
Je Tsongkhapa (1357-1419) was one of the greatest commentator in the history of Buddhism and has the dexterity to compress profound and vast ideas in a single poem. The Three Principal Aspects of the Path is one such example. This text containing fourteen verses was taught to Tsakho Onpo Ngawang Dakpa in a place called Gyamo Rong in eastern Tibet.
The Three Principal Aspects of the Path are the basis of all the sutric and tantric practices that you undertake. ...
The Confession of Downfalls contains translations along with extensive commentaries to the two main sutra and tantra practices of mental purification in Tibetan Buddhism, the Sutra of Three Heaps and the visualization and mantra recitation of Vajrasattva.
The commentaries include excerpts from a Sastra by the Indian master Nagarjuna to the Sutra of Three Heaps and both practices are supplemented by verbally transmitted commentaries from The Tibetan lamas Geshe ...
This extensive collection of Tibetan Proverbs offers a precious insight into the wisdom humour and traditions of Tibet. With subject-matters ranging from the natural landscape and livelihood of the people to human personality traits and the tenets of Buddhist philosophy these saying reflect the values and attitudes of the people who coined them and of their community.
Lhamo Pemba has transcribed the proverbs from their natural oral from into written Tibetan and ...