LiFi Publications

46 books
This is the Chinese translation of an anthology of poems on woman originally written in English. This is the story of an everyday woman who we see around us every now and then. This is a short collection of thoughts of women who build lives around the husband and his wishes. This is done willingly and happily. In fact this gives her immense satisfaction. She is so busy building a family and dreaming of a home that she'll one day spend her old age in, that she ...
A melange of experiences and anecdotes; a collection of middles; a potpourri of tales. Author's reflections on everyday happenings; human nature, an interesting encounter, anticlimax, emotional interlude, inadvertent insensitivity towards others... narrated often with a touch of subtle humour. Great anytime reading.
The tribal people, the original inhabitants of India, were displaced from their well- developed settlements for various socio- economic reasons. Epics and scriptures from the Vedic Period depict the tribal people as savages, slaves and cannibals. The story revolves around two young men in the south of Bengal, the hot bed of extremist movement. The men were witness to the violent Food Movement of 1964, the uprising of the landless in 1967 and inally the ...
The Rajput Warrior is a tale of war, conspiracy and hate, and a pristine tale of love of a warrior princess and a brave prince. Set in the 9th century India, it is the story of two leading dynasties of Rajputana that are creating a foothold in their kingdom as well as making their presence felt in other regions. A team led by Matt Lachlan, an archaeologist and the principal investigator, James Dean, a paleontologist, Josephine a geo-archaeologist, Peter an ...
When Donkin decided to go live near the Kulong forest, he thought he'd be able to get away from the madding crowd of Shillong. He had no inkling that there are creatures here that were not so human and that he was the only man who would be able to save them from utter destruction. When the nymphs send an emissary (Deiti) to him, Donkin was smitten by her beauty. It would have been perfect were she an ordinary human being but she was not even human. The plot ...
The stories in the book are just not stories, but a diorama of contemporary life. The characters, people and the protagonists are all modern and coetaneous as if with a vengeance. The author touches on subtly the problems gripping our societies, the preference given to the male children to the female, the poverty stricken class going to hunt for food, rag-picking children hazarding their lives digging even the radioactive garbage dumped outside a plastic factory; ...
Life is an interesting puzzle that we all solve in our own ways. Here, four such puzzles take the form of stories in which friends, lovers and partners navigate the labyrinths of modern life.
If Aliya, the protagonist in 'Drawing Parallels' is so good then why does she get involved with three men?
'Soul-mates' defines the connect between two childhood friends, Mira and Kusuma, in spite of the orthogonal surprising turns taken by their individual life.
In ...
n this collection of fifteen distinctly different stories, the author delves deep into the human psyche observing the myriad intricacies of human behaviour, enticing the readers with the unexpected excitements and fulfilments of prophesies long made and revelations freshly deciphered. The line between the real and unreal is very thin and much more than observing the outer periphery of human existence, Sethu explores the wondrous world of archetypes, dreams, ...
This collection of contemporary short fictions offers a kaleidoscopic view of life in all its charms, vagaries, humour and pain. These are not autobiographical pieces but the emotions and feelings that go into the making of a story by blowing up a small situation or a chance remark are real.
The stories mirror social changes and the process of social evolution. They bear witness to the sad yet vibrant existence of women – the pain of separation sung through ...
This is a collection of stories that span the lives of women and girls caught in the snare of history and society. The travails of the partition of the Indian sub-continent, a neoliberal India, non-resident joys and fears, and also coming of age in surroundings that are familiar or held hostage to a politics of fear – these are the themes subtly addressed in this volume. There are also stories about men searching for identity and justice, as well as ideal ...
n her debut book Fly on the Wall and Other Stories, author and civil servant, Shubha Sarma examines different facets of life’s narrative with detachment, precision and compassion. The subjects range from the up-market, urban settings to the depths of rural Odisha and areas of civil strife and deep social unrest. The narrative strings together fretful house-wives, over-imaginative teenagers and men and women in the sunset of their lives. There is Dipankar, ...
The Indian phenomenon is capturing everyone’s attention from businessmen to Hollywood stars. The nation that was once home to the greatest ancient civilizations is now the world’s largest democracy. But how real is the Indian story on the ground? INDIA UNLIMITED is an attempt to lay bare the lives of people and their surroundings that define as ambivalent India trapped between hype and hope.
Written over the last decade, these stories are set in ...