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This voluminous book is an authoritative dictionary from a reputed publisher of Dictionaries.
In keeping with the Lifco tradition, which is to spread education at all levels and in all languages, we are bringing out this Dictionary, as English is a compulsory language in schools and students should know the correct spellings and meanings of words. The meanings of words are first given in simple everyday English and their simple Tamil equivalents are also furnished. Hence, students will be in a position to know easily the meanings of English Words. We have ...
In keeping with the Lifco tradition, which is to spread education at all levels and in all languages, we are bringing out this Dictionary, as English is a compulsory language in schools and students should know the correct spellings and meanings of words. The meanings of words are first given in simple everyday English and their simple Telugu equivalents are also furnished. Hence, students will be in a position to know easily the meanings of English Words. We ...
In keeping with the Lifco tradition, which is to spread education at all levels and in all languages, we are bringing out this Dictionary, as English is a compulsory language in schools and students should know the correct spellings and meanings of words. The meanings of words are first given in simple everyday English and their simple Tamil equivalents are also furnished. Hence, students will be in a position to know easily the meanings of English Words. This ...
We have a long tradition of spreading education at all levels and in all several languages. Over the last several years, having felt the need for good bilingual dictionaries we brought out a series of English-English-Tamil dictionaries catering to different levels: 1. The Tiny Lifco Dictionary, 2. The Little Lifco Dictionary and 3. The Great Lifco Dictionary. Overwhelmed by the excellent reception for these titles, we have been planning to bring out another ...