42 books
This book, containing eight Lectures delivered by Arthur C. Headlam in Harvard University on the William Belden Noble Foundation, makes fresh Investigation into the life and Teaching of Jesus the Christ. Discussing the later Ministry of the Lord, it touches upon the questions related to His Death upon the cross, as well as the Resurrection and the Virgin Birth.
Also, it traces the origin of the Christian Church, and examines the relation of the historical Christ ...
This Gazetteer traces panoramic view of Champaran district of Bengal providing elaborative account of its physical aspects, people and their life besides public health, economic condition, agriculture, trade as well as industries. Natural calamities, means of communication, land revenue and general administration, local self-government including educational states have also been described.
This Gazetteer traces panoramic view of Darbhanga district of Bengal providing elaborative account of its physical aspects, people and their life besides public health, economic condition, agriculture, trade as well as industries. Natural calamities, means of communication, land revenue and general administration, local self-government including educational states have also been described.
This Gazetteer traces panoramic view of Cuttack district of Bengal providing elaborative account of its physical aspects, people and their life besides public health, economic condition, agriculture, trade as well as industries. Natural calamities, means of communication, land revenue and general administration, local self-government including educational states have also been described.
This book is an outcome of first hand information collected by author between 1874-1902 from various parts -- town and jungle, hills and plains of the country.
This book depicts the vivid pictures of life in native villages, towns, cities, jungles on the plains and the various parts of hilly areas which the author enjoyed while traveling during his long span of stay in India.
This gazetteer presents a panoramic view of Dacca district of Eastern Bengal. Tracing its historical background, it discusses at length its physical features demographic aspects, public health, drainage system, agriculture and trade and industries.Also, it provides a detailed account of the natural calamities that occurred in the district, its means of communication, land revenue, administration, local self-government and educational development.
This Gazetteer presents a panoramic view of 24-Pargana District of Bengal. Going deep into its history, it provides a detailed account of its physical aspects, people and their life, public health, economic condition, agriculture and trade and industries.Natural calamities, means of communication, general administration, land revenue administration, local self-government and educational states have also been dealt with elaborately.
This book presents a rich texture of Asian women's Christological understanding. It focuses on the need to recognize and end the oppressed condition of Asian women who suffer from poverty, cultural strictures, gender discrimination, and lack of access to basic human rights.Also, it shows how the Christologies brought to Asia by Western Missionaries often failed to take into account the realities of Asia--its great diversity of cultures as well as its ...
This book presents a new understanding of Christ in the world of today. Analysing how Jesus Christ shapes Christian life, it tries to plumb the meaning of Christ in an evolutionary universe.Providing a sweeping view of the meaning of Christ, from the gospels through the Pauline literature up to the fathers of the church, it explores he Christic universe of Alexander of Hales, Bonaventure, Duns Scotus, Teilhard, Raimon Panikkar, Thomas Merton and Bede Griffiths. ...
The major collection of essays begins with a brief biography of the well known Muslim scholar Mahmoud Ayoub and a substantial introduction by Ayoub to his study of Christianity and Muslim-Christian dialogue. A glossary and bibliography of Ayoub's significant publications are included.