Macmillan Publishers India Ltd.

131 books
This fascinating book is based upon the wisdom of the ancient Upanishads, the Mandukya Upanishad in particular, which imparts the highest wisdom of Sanathana Dharma, or the Perennial Philosophy of India.
By detailed analysis of the four states of man, i.e. waking state, dream-sleep state, deep-sleep state, and daydreaming state-the states which are within the personal experience of most of mankind-the author proves logically and convincingly the ultimate truth, ...
This book provides a systematic and comprehensive introduction to various aspects of production of petrochemicals. Beginning with an introduction to petrochemicals, the book discusses the raw materials scenario with special reference to India. While discussing the profile of Indian petroleum and petrochemicals industries, the book emphasises on recent advances in the production of basic raw materials, namely, olefins, aromatics, intermediates and finished ...
Exploring Early India presents an overview of the protracted past of the subcontinent from the earliest times to c. AD 1300. The book traces the principal features in political, socio-economic and cultural history (including religious life and art activities) of the subcontinent by accommodating salient researches in early Indian history. A major feature of this book is the author's engagement in analyzing changes in socio-economic, political and cultural life ...
The author has used his long experiences in the area of agricultural credit and the doctoral study he made on the use of KCC to bring many insights into the credit procedures. Is KCC an appropriate product. What is the cost of credit for small loan amounts how to improve the KCC are among the issues discussed in the book.
Aushij, Lord of Maya, was tricked into a prison of dreams many millennia ago by his siblings for causing chaos in the cosmos. But his power is so great that he still causes tremors in the world with his deceptions, and needs to be crushed. Arihant is the answer. A young warrior with divine powers, he is visualized by the universe as both Taarak – Saviour and Vinaashak–Destroyer.
Jaal is Arihant’s journey across lands and mindscapes– from ...
The second book in the brand-new dark and dangerously seductive trilogy from bestselling teen author Meg Cabot.
Last year, Pierce died just for a moment. And when she was in the space between life and death, she met John: a devilishly handsome boy who ushers souls from one world to the next. Pierce tried to fight her attraction to John but has now accepted her fate and gone to live with him in the dark realm between heaven and hell. She may finally be safe from ...
On entering the legal profession in the late 1960s, the author noted the deficiency related to interpretation of succession laws in India and decided to dedicate his efforts in this direction. Besides other various contributions, he had the privilege to write a compact book for the readers in the form of a guide, which was published in late 1990s. He was honoured by different forums from time to time and by honourable Chief Justice of India on Law Day in 2009. ...
Anti-Money Laundering and Know Your CustomerDoes your current career make you feel complete? Is this the career that you would like to be involved in for the rest of your life?Given a choice, most of us would like to explore a second career option, the way R K Misra, Srividhya Viswanathan or Ramasamy Raju did. After spending a substantial part of their working life in a corporate environment, they have successfully moved onto very different professions- politics, ...
SAROD symposia are an initiative from the aerospace industry of India, mainly ADA (Aeronautical Development Agency), to provide a platform to scientists, researchers and practising professionals to share their experiences and knowledge in the design of real aerospace vehicles. Apart from its popularity in India, SAROD is being well-accepted among the international scientific community. This proceedings of SAROD-2007—third in the series, includes ...
An Advanced History of Modern India has been designed for undergraduate students as well as those preparing for civil services examinations at both central and state levels. It is a daunting task to write a book of this kind when dynamic changes have occurred in the last three decades in the historiography of modern India, including Subaltern Studies by reputed scholars both in India and abroad. An attempt has been made to weave the known facts of history with ...
Leftism in India, 1917-1947 provides a comprehensive account of the Leftist movements in India during the most decisive phase of its struggle for freedom and describes how they interacted with the mainstream of the Indian freedom movement under the leadership of the Indian National Congress, guided by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and his ideology of non-violence. This ideology directly opposed those who believed in Marxism-Leninism and, little wonder, their ...
This book is designed to introduce learners to every genre of TV journalism news, documentaries, interviews and entertainment shows. The book trains them to identify news, to ask the right questions, to think visually, to script, to use voice and speech for greater impact and the importance of body language.
Organizations that want to have effective managers must be committed to facilitating management development. The age-old question of whether a leader is born or is made has the same answer today as when it was first asked.One element for effective management is developing core skills such as thinking and decision making. A manager can have all the personality and expertise in the world but if they don't stop and think before they act, their business is at ...
Retention, knowledge transfer, capacity building, developing talent, and succession planning are all terms that corporate leaders are talking about much more in their annual strategic planning. Performance management can no longer be viewed as just a once-a-year event (e.g., annual performance appraisal). Developing and maintaining an effective talent management strategy requires an integrated performance management model that aligns people and ...
Bestselling author Marc Miller delivers a new, critical tool for connecting with decision makers to make more and bigger sales. He offers a new sales approach designed to help you earn A Seat at the Table-the place reserved for those select people who set the direction and the budget of an enterprise.In today’s commoditized business world, customers only care about one thing: value. To offer new value, you must stop being a salesperson and become a ...