Mahaveer Publishers

33 books
Sing the name of the lord in every breath of life. Joy, joy, joy… Let me offer you The finest of intoxicants, a drink that can subdue All pain and inner Suffering, no matter how obscure. This drink I recommend to you, its value I assure. You drink the cup of worldly wine, and sing a song you know,Your drink creates a drowsiness. Your song but augurs woe I offer you a wine divine, a melody so pure, Your soul will wake, immersed in joy, and with my thought ...
Aaryan, a simpleton boy from a town, dreams big and is always too eager so as to let the life unfold at its own pace. But life takes him on a journey, on the roads riddled with many crossroads and Aaryan is forced to choose a turn to continue on his journey of his life. These turns are the turning points.
Life for Aaryan like everyone else is the end result of the turns he took and the paths he chose. The choices were not always his as sometimes fate made the ...
Alright! Those days, when tea-stalls were the most crowded joints, eating at random reception parties was a routine, dialing calls to unknown numbers meant entertainment, first-day-first- show movies were on top of the To-Do list, bike rides meant talking to the wind and sleeping was probably a hobby, I met Sashwat.
He believed "Everything is uncomfortable for the first time:School, Smoking or Sex". Like any undecided, impatient and impulsive teenager, ...
Love it or hate it, you have to accept the fact that the world revolves around the four-letter word…LOVE
Welcome to the roller-coaster ride of Priyanka, a whacky urban girl and her misadventures with love because it's not always about first love It's about growing up in love with different people and different situations.
She gets one, loses him. She gets another, loses him again. And then she embarks on the journey of her third relationship determined to ...
It has been said often that Hindu celebrates everything and here lies the fact that they do so. The birth of gods, death of asuras, victory of gods, marriage of god, full moon, new moon, harvest etc, you name the event and it is the reason for music, dance, procession and what you have. And there is the religious bit lurking behind them. The reason of this lies deep in the origin of Hinduism as an organic religions. Its followers have over time considered them ...
This is a heart rending story of the two passionate lovers whosacrificed everything just to lead the life in each others armsforever but their normal life got trapped into topsyturvy leavingthe protagonist into an indefinite waiting for his lost love.
?Always in your arms I will reside, always with you I want topr?cis?
The story unfolds with a letter which is the only left outtreasure of the memory of his beloved who is lost somewhere unknownto him and ends up ...
'The Queen I Loved, Gave Me THE CHECKMATE' is a biography and based on the truths. It is a love story with a happy ending, even though the narrator does not get the one he loved. In other words, it is a romantic thriller. The story is narrated in flashback. It takes the readers in the years when the narrator was in school. He was a teen with high ambitions. This is a story dealing in conflicts between his aims, passions and love. It shows how a young, passionate ...
Ketan Mehta, a 21 yr old guitarist from St. Xaviers College,Mumbai has got everything which most of his mates yearn to have- arich dad, a sweet girl who is in love with him and a glitzylifestyle! Still he hates being there in Mumbai. of late he hasfound himself in a schizophrenic love affair with Patna and hewould do anything to be there.
One fine evening he runs away from his palatial mansion toexplore his roots in The city of his dreams, to rekindle The ...
Riya was in a dilemma. Should she help her hostel-friend Kamini, who was involved in a sex-and-drugs racket and was depending on her to get her out of the mess? Riya had always dreamt big of becoming a politician some day -- so this was her chance to really help out innocent girl-victims and bust a racket...
Or should she just concentrate on her studies and enjoy the attentions of her handsome boyfriend Vivaan with whom she soon planned to tie the knot?
More ...
Ecotourism, ecotravel, ecolodges and just generally being eco have become popular tourism sales pitches. What is true ecotourism? What defines an ecolodge or an ecological company? How is the surrounding community involved? And finally, is ecotourism such a great thing anyways?
Aim of this book is to provide details for ecotourism to tourist and travel industry. In order to truly understand ecotourism and all of it's attendant pros and cons it is necessary to do ...
The phenomenal growth of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) at both international and national levels is due to the changing attitude of donor agencies about development assistance and the increased demand for NGO services in Third World countries. NGOs are non-membership support organizations involved in relief, rehabilitation, or community development work in developed and, especially, developing or Third World countries. In most Third World countries ...
If you think that MITs, IIMs and IITs are the be all and end all of every college...THEN THINK AGAIN...
Get ready for a roller coaster ride in the coolest college of the country because this year your definitions will take an about-turn and on this highway many romantic hearts will be shattered. Be ready to experience a war between your mind and your heart, for that four letter CUSS word ..LOVE.
Love is not always pure, sacrifice, friendship, cupid, red, saintly ...
Hindi, one of the oldest languages of the world, is the national language of India, the biggest democracy, culture center and market in the world. It is about 120 countries all over the world.
Being different from the languages of Europe, Africa and some other parts of the world, the language might seem difficult to learn. But, in fact, it is not that-and especially so when one has the right tool to learn it. And this small book is, to say with all humility, that ...