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The Veda is the fountainhead of Hinduism, more appropriately called Brahmanism the religion of the ever expansive Divine Being, as compared to Zorastrianism, the religion as preached by Zoraster; Christianity, the religion as preached by Christ; Buddhism, the religion as preched by the Buddha; Jainism, the religion as preached by Jaina, and so on and so forth. Brahmanism is so called because it is enunciated in the Brahmana part of the Veda, it is studied ...
The Veda is the fountainhead of Hinduism, more appropriately called Brahmanism the religion of the ever expansive Divine Being, as compared to Zorastrianism, the religion as preached by Zoraster; Christianity, the religion as preached by Christ; Buddhism, the religion as preched by the Buddha; Jainism, the religion as preached by Jaina, and so on and so forth. Brahmanism is so called because it is enunciated in the Brahmana part of the Veda, it is studied ...
This volume contains the first eight Upanisads with Sri Sankaracarya's Bhasyas and all the available tikas thereon. In our search for unpublished Bhasya-tikas we came across Anubhutiswarupacarya's gloss on Agamasastra Bhasya and Narendrapuri's gloss on Candogyabhasya in the Govt. Oriental Librarl, Madras. These were found very ancient and scholarly and so we determined to publish them in our edition. Anubhutiswarupacarya was a teacher of ...