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The central theme of the hook revolves around Kali, time and metaphysics. This theme is pursued in two ways. The first is with four short pieces which focus on aesthetic issue at the centre of which is Kali. The second consists of four proviously, published ethnographically based papers but which have been subjected to extensive revision so as to fit into the central theme.
Kondos’s key contention in dealing with various issues concerning Kali is that ...
On 25 May 1850 Jang Bahadur Kunwar Rana, Prime Minister of Nepal and Ambassador to the Court of Queen Victoria, landed at Southampton. It seemed as if we were in a dream, or as if this was the heacen where virtuous men are said to go after death; was how one of Jang's party described his first reaction. This courties's account of the whole episode has been translated into English for the first time and is presented alongside the British and French press reports ...
Written years before the concepts of gender inequality and social exclusion gained widespread currency in the field of international development, this important book provides a fine-grained analysis of these social processes. The parallels between Tibetan marriage systems and marriage in pre-industrial Europe (large numbers of unmarried adult women were a common feature of both) are particularly intriguing in the context of South Asia, where marriage often takes ...
The Newars of Nepal are a people with a high degree of material culture and a distinctive social organisation. Though stray references on them are available from the pioneering accounts of Levi, Hodgson, Oldfield, K.P. Chattopathyaya and others, threr has been no systematic ethon sociological study on the subject. Dr. Nepal's monograph, which earned him the Ph.D. degree of the the Bpmbay University, Makes an attempt to fill in this gap.
Written in the best ...
In Kathmandu, Newar Buddhist girls as young as two years old are selected to become living incarnations of the Hindu goddess Taleju. Called 'Kumaris', the children are worshiped daily by both priests and laity and until some sign of imperfection appears, most commonly with the onset of menstruation, they are required to live in accordance with a rigorous code of purity maintenance.
The present book aims, at complementing the Government of Nepal's initiative to bring about second generation economic reforms by addressing the binding constraints to development and its consequences to maintain high, broad-based sustainable and inclusive growth.
The realization today is the fact that in the developed countries, the era of high economic expansion is over. Redesigning the industrialization and development models as new drivers to growth is ...
Contents: Foreword. 1. Introduction. 2. Child labour in Nepal. 3. Working children of Nepal. 4. Causes of child labour. 5. Conclusions, solutions and recommendations. References.
Identity and Society: A New Book on Social Inclusion and Exclusion in Nepal. It contains articles by eminent scholars The article of Yam Bahadur Kisan explores on Dalits’ inclusion in Nepali state governance and the article of Keshari Kansakar and Sita Ghimire deals on the intricacies of inter-caste marriage between Dalits and Non-Dalits. Likewise, the article of Yogendra Yadava accounts linguistic diversity in Nepal along with its policy planning and the ...
Nepali political parties have recently stepped into a new phase of party building. With the restoration of democracy in 1990, political parties, the Nepali Congress (NC) and the Communist Party of Nepal, Unified Marxist-Leninist (CPN-UML) in particular, have undergone a number of distinct transformations: from illegal organizations to legitimate contenders for political power; from movement or underground organizations to open competitive parties; from cadre ...
Susan Hoivik has devoted much of the past decade to living and working in Nepal, studying its cultures and absorbing its rhythms. She has experienced almost all areas of the country—as trekker, teacher, anthropologist, practising Buddhist, environmental volunteer, and, most recently, as a VSO volunteer seconded as teacher-trainer to Eco Himal’s Rolwaling Eco Tourism project. In this, her personal volume of reflections and experiences over the years, she ...
Mountain people have long practiced sustainable resource management. They have had to, because their place-based cultures and lack of integration in mainstream economics have required it. So too, the mountains themselves make integrated, intensive approaches the norm. The extensive development model of the lowlands simply is not practical in the variable topographies and climates of upland regions. Sustainability in mountains, then, is both art and applied ...
The book opens with some studies of previously unknown royal edicts that shed light on early Buddhist practices testifying to the expansion of the Tibetan Empire (Part I).The author then reflects upon the origin of Dzogchen Philosophy (Part II) and examines the Bon religion considered as the source of Dzogchen Philosophy (Part III).A previously untouched subject in Tibetan studies is the relation between the origin of myths and popular rituals that convey the ...
The book is a bold exploration of certain controversial issues that relate to the everyday life of Hindu women. As Michael Allen says, it is "a collection of quite brilliant essays that he feel certain is destined to be acclaimed as a major contribution to the ethnography of Nepal, to the theoretical understanding of Hindu culture and society, to gender studies and to anthropological theory in general.
This volume brings together in one convenient format a selection of papers devoted to Nepalese culture published over several years in a variety of places. In one of them, for example, jointly authored and published in Artibus Asiae in 1973, the authors make one exciting discovery after another as they unravel various facets of Nepalese history. The so-called "Sleeping Vishnu" at Balaju turns out to be actually part Siva and to be a thousand years older ...
In these volumes Mary Slusser has documented and illustrated the origins and evolution of the remarkable Nepalese civilization that evolved in the Kathmandu Valley - known for much of its long history as "Nepal Mandala." The author's narrative, 600 plates, 29 figures, and 9 detailed color maps grew out of more than a decade of research. She studied and photographed the sculptures and shrines, mapped the old cities and traced their long-fallen walls, ...
1. The economy and factors influencing foreign aid regime. 2. The study and its scope. 3. Review of development priorities. 4. Critical appraisal of Foreign Aid operation. 5. Critical issues in Foreign aid administration. 6. Summary, conclusion and recommendations. Annexes.