Markazi Maktaba Islami Publishers

Showing all 13 books
Interest (riba) is largely responsible for most of the social sufferings. The worst is that is multiples like nothing else, and the so-called civilized society calls it compound interest. It becomes the proverbial white elephant given to a poor man to ride on.It is here that Islamic Finance assumes importance as the viable alternative. Yes, to talk of Islamic Finance in a riba-ridden society is like applying a soothing balm to the wounds of a typical modern man, ...
Islam and social Ethics’ by S.M.A. Rauf is a valuable addition to the Islamic literature on “ethics”. Islam seeks comprehensive reform in all aspects of human life, hence it addresses the individual, the society and the state; which constitute the three focal points of human existence. Obviously “the individual” is the most fundamental of them. A healthy society is built when individuals are able to cultivate a healthy personality ...