McGraw Hill Education (India)

Showing all 13 books
The Publication of the sixth edition of Classical Sociological Theory is characterized by both continuity and change. The book continues to do what it has always done-offer a comprehensive overview of classical sociological theory in a single volume. As in previous editions, the in-depth discussion of theories (often enlivened with examples) in the text narrative is accompanied by informative and engaging biographical sketches of many of the most important ...
This book discusses in a lucid and easy-to-understand manner, the theory and practice of international business in the Indian context. It provides an in-depth coverage of the subject matter, with the help of numerous real life examples and cases. Along with this, a rich and user-friendly pedagogy makes it useful for the students of business management and other disciplines, where international business is taught as a course.
Contents: Part I: 1. Nature of ...
The new volume of heat and thermodynamics endeavours to maintain the original classicalflavour while at the same time ensures that novel advancements in the subject are also brought tothe forefront. This textbook is a bridge between thermal physics and the more challenging world oftime- dependent non-equilibrium physics.
Online Communication provides research-based insights and practical advice to cope with the new milieu. It guides you to Build powerful online identities Managing virtual and multicultural teams Use social media for personal brand building and career growth Communicate accurately on e-mail Conduct effective teleconferences and videoconferences Plan and implement crisis communication strategies.
The first of its kind to be applicable to the Indian environment, this comprehensive reference work uses the backdrop of geology to weave together components of earth process mechanisms, ecological systems, usage of earth resources such as land, soil, water and minerals and accelerated activities of people looking for facilities and engineering techniques to contain adverse consequences on the biosphere. Multidisciplinary in coverage and holistic in approach, the ...
The book is written with a balanced and comprehensive approach towards chemical process safety, involving hazards, both of materials and processes. It includes analysis of hazards in plants in order to further explain the preventive and protective measures along with management involvement and safety audits to the readers.
'This book is a fascinating read. It captures how a person with determination and willpower can chart a pioneering path. The lessons from this book are eternal and everlasting. This book teaches us that we need to be focused and channel our energies in realizing our objectives and goals and not get distracted or demotivated by negative people. That is also the spirit of Dhirubhai and Reliance, and Shri A G Krishnamurthy, who has been an integral part of the ...