Medallion Press

Showing all 15 books
The Indians in News, which is intended to be an annual publication, is a source of information on those men and women of India who created news or were in news for certain reasons during the year. A majority of seekers of information are interested only in those who are active and kicking—the persons who are the cause of happenings and are participating in matters that are significant. But the society is dynamic and things are changing fast. Men and matters do ...
India’s University Libraries first three universities in modern India were established in 1857 in the metropolitan cities of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras. On the eve of independence in 1947, their number was 20. Today the number of the universities in India has swelled to over 250. This growth is indicative of the peoples’ will and government’s interest in the higher education. Prior to our independence, a library in the university was usually established ...
The very existence of written records demands that they should be listed somewhere and thus their existence acknowledged. If this listing is done in a systematic way, there shall be some bibliographical control over the ever-expanding graphic knowledge and it can be put to use for further human development. University dissertations in library and information science, though contain a wealth of information, are lying practically unknown in the archives of library ...
This study is not just the most severe indictment of the Indian political system, but a solution to it by a woman bureaucrat fighting against corruption and low standards of governance in the corridors of power.
Development of all types is dependent on right decision. Right decision in turn depends on right information at the right time. Information communication involves the determination and evaluation of the information needs of the users, their information-gathering habits, the available sources of information and what they yield, communication of information through such services as Current Awareness Services as Current Awareness Service, Selective Dissemination of ...
This book is a critical study and a systematic investigation to find out the state and status of Indian LIS technology which the available literature represents. It presents as integral view of the growth and development of LIS technology as it exists today. It also brings out the future trends. Since the efforts made so far, had failed to achieve the desired results as these were isolated and piecemeal, this work remains of considerable interest to the working ...
Library is a collection of documents for use. User occupies the central place, and every library operation is directed to serve him better. It is important to study user’s information needs, information collecting behaviour, and his information use patterns. Equally important is to study the nature of literature through which the information is communicated. Here lies the significance of this book. In the age of knowledge explosion, the process of selecting ...
In the days of information technology, librarianship is being pushed to the secondary place. Computer boys feel that they can replace librarians. It has become a fashion to talk about paperless society and virtual library without understanding their meanings and without undertaking the ground realities of the developing countries, like India, into account. Written records represent the social memory which has kept our culture and civilization alive and ...
There are users, of course, who would like to have a view of a particular Indian LIS journal in its totality, or access the information in the subject of their interest reported in that particular journal. In view of the need and desirability, a bibliographical and bibliometric study has been undertaken in respect of a much respected and reputed periodical, the Library Science with Slant to Documentation and Information Studies. The study consists of four parts: ...
The LIS scene is changing fast in the face of new challenges and in response to new demands. The advent of new technologies and their application to LIS work and services is further accelerating the pace of this change. Total knowledge and information, which is presently available in the libraries in the form of books and other documents, can now be put on the World Wide Web (WWW), making the libraries totally web-based. Knowledge and information of all types can ...
The Indians in News, which is an annual publication, is a source of information on those men and women of India who created news or were in news for certain reasons during the year. A majority of seekers of information are interested in those who are active and kicking–the persons who are the cause of happenings and are participating in matters that are significant. But the society is dynamic and things are changing fast. Men and matters do share this ...
The Indians in News, which is an annual publication, is a source of information on those men and women of India who created news or were in news for certain reasons during the year. A majority of seekers of information are interested in those who are active and kicking--the persons who are the cause of happenings and are participating in matters that are significant. But the society is dynamic and things are changing fast. Men and matters do share this ...
There is change in educational paradigms. The old model was based on classroom lectures, passive absorption, individual work, omniscient teacher, stable content and homogeneity. The new model is based on individual exploration, apprenticeship, team learning, teacher serving as a guide, fast changing content, and diversity in course contents. The technological implications of the new model networked workstations, collaborative tools, and skill development ...
The Indian in News, which is an annual publication, is a source of information on those men and women of India who crated news or were in news for certain reasons during the year. A majority of seekers of information are interested in those who are active and kicking the persons who are the cause of happenings and are participating in matters that are significant. But the society is dynamic and things are changing fast. Men and matters do share this phenomenon. ...
Everything is changing, so also is the theory and practice being one of the few constants demands that research should be a continues process to generate new and relevant information and knowledge to cope up with the changed environments and achieve the objective. The research papers included in this volume critically examine recent trends and developments important segments of Business Management and offer feasible solutions to the emerging problems. With the ...