Showing all 2 books
Yoga and its holistic philosophy of practice are now embraced by millions of practitioners around the world. Yoga adopts a mind-centered approach towards maintaining health, promoting healing and facilitating a path towards spiritual transformation. This mindfulness is the common thread that links all the tools of Yoga, including the practice of Asana-s or physical postures. Only when such a mindful approach is integrated into practice, will the full potency of ...
In many traditional cultures the use of sound is a significant aspect of spiritual practice. More so in the Indian tradition, where sound, especially as embodied in the Veda-s, is exalted to a status second only to the Supreme.
Believed to have been revealed to ancient Indian Rsi-s while in a deep meditative state, the Veda-s are a vast collection of hymns that form the basis of the Sanatana-dharma and are held to be sacrosanct by its adherents. They are also the ...