Showing all 9 books
This is a refreshingly new introduction to the growth and development of flowering plants. Unlike many present day texts, the authors have skillfully described the physiology of the ‘whole plant’ and have avoided the detailed biochemistry of cellular metabolism.
In line with this deliberate policy the authors have turned their attention to subjects such as water relations, solute movement, nutrition and energy balances of the developing plant. These ...
Many people are concerned about the use of chemicals to control various pests, especially where children or pets are concerned, and are turning to natural solutions to solve this age old problem. The truth is apart from the possible long term health problems, modern factory farming and chemical pesticides are actually less effective in the long term to organic gardening. With pest control in the home and garden, nature provides all the solutions if you know where ...
The Microbiology Handbook Fish and seafood is one in a series of MedTech’s Food sciences Handbooks: others include Dairy products, and Meat products. This book endeavours to provide the reader with an easy-to-use reference to microorganisms in fish and seafood.
This handbook remains topical and features recent development in fish and seafood processing that can influence the nature and scope of growth and survival of microorganisms in these products, and ...
Orcharding and small fruit culture represent a major phase of Indian agriculture both domestic and export. With the intensified development of the industry, the science of horticulture becomes more complex, and the professional horticulturist, the student, and the grower all feel the need of additional training and a ready source of recent research. Not only the Indian, but also the foreign, literature is increasing rapidly, and every branch of study demands ...
Agricultural botany is a branch of biology concerned with the study of plants (Kingdom Plantae). Botany is concerned with all aspects of plants, from the smallest and simplest forms to the largest and most complex, from the study of all aspects of an individual plant to the complex interactions of all the different members of a complicated botanical community of plants with their environment and with animals.
The study of this course will help you to know the ...
Nearly all the chemical elements that make up living things are mineral elements, the ultimate source of which is rock weathered into soil. The plant physiologist must horticulturist and forester meet problems almost daily which require for their solution specific knowledge dialing with the mineral nutrition of many kinds of plants, and lastly the fertilizer manufacturer, who is called upon to supply the needed mineral nutrients.
Mineral Nutrition of Plants ...
The book "Microbiology, Phycology, Mycology, Lichenology and Plant Pathology" is a comprehensive treatment according to the latest syllabi prescribed in the universities for undergraduate programs in Botany. The topics are arranged with a view that the students can acquire clear concept on the structure, reproduction and economic importance of lower organisms. The students will get an insight of nature around him. The topics are treated on a general ...
An elementary text is necessarily conservative in presenting the results of scientific progress, and rightfully witholds recognition of new discoveries until these have become definitely established.
As commonly presented in elementary courses this subject has for some time been in need of a thorough revision. The remarkable discoveries of recent years with regard to the character of the earliest known land plants, the Psilophytales of the Devonian, have provided ...
This book is designed for use as a text and guide in modern high school and colleges in agriculture extends through two or more years, one of which is devoted to horticulture.
This book will prove of most value if the suggestions regarding study of actual specimens of fruits, twigs, etc., are followed in detail and trees are actually planted and pruned by the students. Similarly, seed boxes should be made and seeds planted, hotbeds constructed and cared for, ...