Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India

Showing all 15 books
Unification with Divinity through selfless love and devotion is the basic docrine of Sufism. Though Sufish originated in Central Asia, yet its concepts and practices are very close to Indian philosophical traditions of Vedanta and Bhakti. Sufism is much adored and venerated in India.Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi is one of the brightest stars on the firmament of Sufi mysticism and Persian poetry. This book provides a vivid and interesting account of his life, times, ...
On the life and achievements of Shanti Swarupa Bhatnagar, 1894-1955, Indian scientist.
Sunita Williams evokes inspiration in the minds of Indian youth. She has become a symbol of achievement. a role model to follow. She is the 46th woman to be an astronaut and only second such woman with roots in India. Space journey is still a preserve of a very few brave and capable people. who are ready to sacrifice their lives for the spirit of science and adventure. Sunita is one such name which is sure to go down in history as a pioneer of space exploration. ...