Munshiram Manoharlal

Showing all 13 books
The present work is reissue of English translation of Rene Guenon's work, Introduction Generale a I'Etude des Doctrines Hindoues.
This work instead of treating the Hindu doctrines as a "special field of research" with a view to derive results that could be of least importance to ordinary men takes an entirely different approach. The author starts out with quite other ends in view requiring an entirely different method for their realization, as well as ...
The collection of essays by Ananda Coomaraswamy on Indian art and culture and other themes, published under the title The Dance of Shiva reflect the many-sided genius of this great savant. The fourteen essays in this collection critically deal with aspects of Indian ethos, art and aesthetics, philosophy, music and Indian women besides essays on Indian and western and ancient and contemporary themes.
Coomaraswamy's discussion on these wide ranging themes with his ...
The Volumes of the Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy and Culture aim at discovering the main aspects of India's heritage and present them in an interrelated way. These volumes, in spite of their unitary look, recognize the difference between the areas of material civilization and those of ideational culture. The Project is not being executed by a single group of thinkers and writers who are methodologically uniform or ideologically identical in ...
The grammar presents a full description of Pali, the language used in the Theravada Buddhist canon, which is still alive in Ceylon and Southeast Asia. The development of its phonological and morphological systems is traced in detail from Old Indic. Comprehensive references to comparable features and phenomena from other Middle Indic languages mean that this grammar can also be used to study the literature of Jainism.
Considered the most authoritative single-volume reference work on Islam in the contemporary world, the German-language Der Islam in der Gegenwart, currently in its fifth edition, offers a wealth of authoritative information on the religious, political, social, and cultural life of Islamic nations and of Islamic immigrant communities elsewhere. Now, Cornell University Press is making this invaluable resource accessible to English-language readers. More current ...
The pioneering work traces the emergence of the modern and contemporary art of Muslim South Asia in relation to transnational modernism and in light of the region's intellectual, cultural, and political developments. Art historian Iftikhar Dadi here illuminates the art and writings of major artists ranging from the late colonial period to the era of independence and beyond, revealing the complex richness of aesthetic developments in twentieth-century Muslim South ...
This project is an exploration of how women interpreted the cultural dietary norms for pregnancy based on their reproductive histories, socioeconomic status, and family structure, and, in turn, how their food practices shaped their nutritional and health status. Based on 15 months' fieldwork in New Delhi squatter settlements, Dr Vallianatos meticulously documents cultural values and beliefs, dietary analysis, and the nutritional and health status of mothers. ...
Like many other great religions of the world, Buddhism arose from the teachings of one man: in this case, Prince Siddhartha of Kapilavastu, later called Sakyamuni or Gautama. This book, turning to Buddhist scriptures and artistic monuments for its sources, presents the story of his life, so nearly as the facts can be determined, in a judicious, straightforward narrative designed for western readers. While it does not accept the pious myths and supernatural events ...
About two thousand years ago, the land named Gandhara on the west banks of the Indus fell successively under the domination of the Greeks, the Sakas and the Parthians. This book gives an account of the school of art which formed itself under these widely divergent cultures. The early Gandhara school is chiefly notable in providing the earliest works of art in which the Buddha was represented in bodily form. Before this, he had always been shown symbolically; the ...
T.R.V. Murti was an original and leading thinker among the Indian philosophers of the twentieth century. He had a brilliant philosophical mind, a love of analysis and argument, and a respect for texts, especially the ones with which he disagreed, as seen in his most important book, The Central Philosophy of Buddhism. With both traditional "Shastri" training and a Western style Ph.D., Murti was able to bring both strengths to his writing and teaching. ...
The Life of Hiuen-Tsiang by the Shaman Hwui Li is a companion volume to the Si-Yu-Ki or the Buddhist Records of the Western World of Hiuen-Tsiang. It is an indispensable source book for the scholars interested in the history of ancient India in general and Buddhism in particular. The Life of Hiuen-Tsiang contains a biographical account of his life by his disciple Hwui Li. It elucidates the details relating to the events in the life of the great scholars, saint ...
This pioneering work is of permanent importance. In this work, the author has culled together the widely-scattered data at one place for the benefit of the scholars and students of Indian palaeography. The chief merit of the work lies in the wide ranging survey of the various scripts of India, a study of which, as the author rightly points out in his scholarly preface, can enable a student to decipher and read the ancient Indian epigraphs. The book is divided ...
Pali Text Society is the pioneer institution which brought in print practically all the Pali canon commentaries. Rhys Davids conceived the idea of compiling an exhaustive dictionary of Pali, based on the voluminous basic material that was being brought to light. The work took more than twenty years of devoted labour, but before his death in 1922, he had the satisfaction of seeing its first volume published. In four volumes, issued over 1921-25, the dictionary ...