National Book Shop

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The four hundredth year of the installation of the immemorial and immutable Sri Guru Granth Sahib has inspired the whole world with a new forvour and courage. Certainly, it is beyond the capacity of any human being to be able to write about the glory of God. Actually, Gurbani is based on the world of experience, and can only be realized. The teaching and learning of Gurbani relates to the world of spiritual effort on one hand and the mystical experience on the ...
This fascinating work includes chapters mostly of paranormal experiences which the author has found in Sikhism. Most of the chapters belong to the spiritual experience. The invisible sphere has been visualized by the advanced soul. The story of a lady going from Kabul to Goindwal in Punjab everyday for the service of the Guru is very exceptional. She had the power of instant manifestation. A Sikh saint had actually talked with a ghost and obtained his ...
Baghel Singh was a tall and handsome young Sardar of wheatish complexion and had grey eyes. He was brave and daring, financially well off and large hearted. He was not afraid of anything and moved about as fearlessly as a lion in the jungle. He was a good horseman, an excellent marksman who could wield his sword as deftly as his gun. His powerful metallic voice could strike terror in the heart of many a warrior. Even his attire reflected his imposing personality. ...
Fair and festivals are an integral part of our folk culture. Not much effort has been made to make a systematic study of the folk culture of Punjab. This book fulfills this vacuum. This book lists the major fairs of Punjab and traces origin and development through the ages unto the present time. Author's research has shown that the pre-independence Punjab celebrated 7000 melas. The 1961 census lists 4,561 fairs in Indian Punjab. After the formation of Haryana, ...
A man-an individual-is one among the millions of the human species around the world. Being a social animal, he must interact with others of his kind. Interaction needs identification. It is his name, among others, which provides him identification. In the Sikh name-giving ceremony, the child is presented before the Guru Granth Sahib by the parents in the presence of family friends and relatives. The ceremony could take place in a Gurdwara or at home where the ...