National Folklore Support Centre

Showing all 16 books
Study conducted in Thanjāvūr District of Tamil Nadu, India.
On social life of tribal children in Karnataka; author's travel impression of various forests.
The contributions of North-East India towards the history and civilisation of the country had not received proper recognition or even attention from scholars and experts. This imbalance certainly needs to be corrected, not only for the sake of the region but also for that of the nation as a whole. The different components of the history of this region could be given a firmer foothold if scholars from Assam and Manipur put their heads together, either to identify ...
What happened to the inherited traditions of African, Indian, Chinese, and European peoples after they settled in this region? What attitudes did slaves, indentured labourers, and colonists develop towards past traditions? How much verbal art was retained and transmitted from Africa, India, China and Europe? Which tales, riddles, proverbs, or songs were unconsciously discarded? Part of the answer lies in the history of language. The Creole languages invented and ...
Products of contexts and instances these interviews are nonetheless ultimately artifacts of reflections on what it means to do folklore or to be engaged in the broad field of culture. Conjuring the promise of personal histories intersecting with national histories and disciplinary engagements of their time these interviews chart out an alternative cartography of the discipline. Set in the mode of personal narratives public programming, engagement with other ...
Contents: Editor's note. Articles: 1. Malki and Keema - a Panihari song/Heda Jason. 2. Fieldwork report: performance of the Prahaladha myth in Tamilnadu/Balaji Srinivasan and Gandhi. 3. The curse and absolution: a study on the role of origin myths among the nomads with special reference to boom-boom Maattukkaarar Community/A. Dhananjayan. 4. The drama of folklore: stories as teachers/Daniel A. Kelin. 5. 100 years of Thakurmar Jhuli (Grandmother's bag of tales): ...
Nineteen seminal papers on various aspects of Indian folklore written by eminent scholars are collected together here in a volume. Exploring the way folklore organizes itself in different societal contexts in India is the focus of the different scholars presented here. Divided into easy sections, this book organizes complex thoughts on Indian folklore in an accessible format useful for students, scholars and lay public. While Jawaharlal Handoo, Arupjyoti Saikia ...
National Folklore Support Centre (NFSC) is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation, registered in Chennai dedicated to the promotion of Indian folklore research, education, training, networking and publication. The aim of the centre is to integrate scholarship with activism, aesthetic appreciation with community development, comparative folklore studies with cultural diversities and identities, dissemination of information with multi-disciplinary dialogues, ...
Venkatesha's work, here, documents and verifies many dimensions of personnel and functionaries--tradition bearers--the distinctions they make amongst themselves, the importance of their interpretations of specific traditions, the significance of their activities and practices.... All of this attention to rich contextual detail and multiple perspectives, makes Venkatesha's book exceptional within the body of work on Indian folklore done by Indian and Western ...