National Foundation for India

Showing all 5 books
India has, by all accounts, a diverse and vibrant voluntary sector. From single-person units to large organizations in multiple locations; from ad hoc efforts to long-term strategies; from state-supported initiatives to protests against the state: voluntary action covers a seemingly inexhaustible range of action and discourse. There is at least one thread of coherence that links these efforts and people: an attempt to make our society more just. It is this common ...
Practices in Partnership for Sustainable Urban Development which has been brought out jointly by the National Foundation for India and UNDP/UNCHS Urban Management Programme, South Asia with the support of Bremen State, Office for Development Co-operation and Towns and Development, Netherlands. The idea for this publication was seeded in the 1998 International Consultation on “Local Agenda 21: Building Partnerships for Sustainable Development in South Asiaâ€, ...
ICCO (Interchurch Organization for Development Cooperation), an international funding organization based in The Netherlands, had commissioned four reports on four different regions of India to help identify the challenges of poverty-alleviation efforts. ICCO planned to utilize these studies in designing its country assistance strategy for India. The National Foundation for India coordinated this study. Each of these four consultative efforts framed the issue of ...