National Publishing House

46 books
Feminism recognizes and takes action against dominance and discrimination made on the basis of sex and gender by patriarchy. Indian Feminism in all its perspectives aspires for a unified wholeness rather than maintaining separatist attitudes like that of Western Feminism. Indian women movement has never become feminist. The problems of women are never treated on the basis of a particular sex but are considered as a social problem which needs to be dealt with each ...
Information is the 'currency and oxygen of democracy'. No one can enjoy his or her right to expression without having accessibility to the information, strictly and especially available with the public authorities. The free flow of information and ideas ensures success of democracy and effectiveness of human rights. The fundamental democratic values are directly interrelated with the concept of welfare state and its functional cum instrumental set up i.e. ...
English cup, Irish coffee and black sugar: postcolonial perspectives on the poetry of W.B. Yeats has considered the poetry of the Anglo-Irish poet, W.B. Yeats in the context of race, class and gender from a postcolonial Indian perspective. The author has in this book reread and redefined Yeats's poetry in the light of the colonization of Ireland by Britain. He has shown how Yeats wrote the nation into being in his oeuvre and narrated it across the body of a ...
The story of Rama everlastingly has won the hearts of the people since ages. Gaining new dimensions, it has became a part of Indian folk literature, every time opening up new vistas of interpretation with added significance. Rama is neither a legend nor a myth nor a symbol of Indian folk literature; he is the very breath of folk literature. Rama is not only human, he is just one amongst us.In the present book an attempt has been made to fit the more popular ...
Reading Gandhi by Dr. O.P. Gauba is intended to be a study in the interpretation of Gandhian political philosophy. It examines the nature and relevance of political thought, approaches to interpretation, particularly textual and contextual approaches, followed by an indepth study of the significance of Hind Swaraj. concept of Satyagraha, Gandhian critique of modern civilization, alternative vision of modernity, his views on nationalism, communal unity, ...
The book analyses the population characteristics such as population growth rate, fertility and mortality trends, age structure, urbanisation and urban concentration, education and human resource development, internal and international migration, gender disparities, ethnic demography, etc. and their impacy on the socio-economic formations in West Asia and North Africa and vice versa. In spite of the fact that there has been unprecedented economic development in ...
Treasures of Indian Art Heritage (A Passage from Sindhu-Saraswati to the Ganges) is a work based on the authority of the Vedic scriptures, the pre-historic documental sources and a selected later Vedic iconography attesting Vedic and Pauranic motifs. During the last three decades, a fairly good number of books have been published highlighting the latest explorations and researches in the field of Pre-historic and Vedic India, and this book is certainly a valuable ...
The book deals with some complex issues of different religions as they exist today. The determining factors of religions are as varied and unique as the natures of human beings. Each individual entertains and emplaces in his heart a vicissitudes of faith, gods, and souls. This gives us a reflection in people's minds of external forces dominating over them in everyday life, a reflection in which earthly things assume non-earthly forms, and such a variety of ...