
Showing all 6 books
Acquisition of land by corporate bodies for commercial purposes raises many troubling issues, including those related to the human rights of farmers and tribals, threats to food security, and the ecological and environmental costs of the commercial use of the farm land. With a view to create a general awareness about the issue and to evolve a national and ecological perspective in the Indian context -- this publication compiles a mass of statistical and factual ...
Climate of our planet is changing. The climate has always been variable, but there appears to be a growing concern over the climatic changes due to the frequency of natural disasters and the quantum of seasonal shifts. The climate dynamics seems to be unprecedented in the contemporary world, significantly because there is strong evidence to suggest that humanity is, by and large, directly responsible for climate changes. The impending threat to our planet can no ...
The Nature’s Pharmacopoeia is basically a documentation of medicinal plants and their usage from Doon valley. However, efforts have been made to make the publication useful for the common people, who intend to identify the valuable medicinal plants within such a small geographical limit. About 280 species of common medicinal plants have been documented in this book from the valley. The plant species include indigenous as well as few important exotic medicinal ...