Showing all 3 books
Women in India have always been accorded pride of place in both religious and philosophical thought. They were capable of advanced learning in every branch of knowledge and enjoyed high status in society in Vedic times. This was followed by a long period when their status declined and they were relegated behind the veil. The British authors have left behind fascinating descriptive accounts of Indian women, their customs and manners and mode of life during the Raj ...
Recognised as the greatest popular singer of the subcontinent ever since music began to be recorded, K.L. Saigal had a short span of life (1904-1947). With a God-gifted voice he brought music to the masses and became a legend in his own life-time. His haunting melodies continue to delight millions of his fans all over the world. Acclaimed as the Ghazal King, he was also the first superstar of Indian cinema and nearly all his films were great box-office hits. In ...
Pran Nevile's book Marvels of Indian Painting is a pioneering effort to explore and study the creative genius of those forgotten Indian artists who produced remarkable paintings for their British patrons. Defined as the 'Company School' art, these beautiful pictures reveal a lively fusion of eastern warmth with western objectivity. The author highlights how western ideas and artistic techniques were absorbed in the Indian tradition by these artists without losing ...