New Academic Publishers

57 books
This book constructs a bridge between International Trade and Inclusive Development. For long International Trade has been assumed as growth promoter. This book will deal with several theoretical arguments regarding the development issues of International Trade. It primarily deals with a wide range of technical issues including complex relationship between international trade and economic development, informal labor benefit from economic reforms, consequences of ...
Useful book for U.G., P.G. and Ph.D. students of extension education, agriculture and home science colleges. A textbook in extension for agricultural universities, colleges, training institutes, extension personnel, teachers, students, researchers of home and aboard, press and media reporters.
Contents: Preface. 1. Scientific communication. 2. Reporting. 3. Writing. 4. Editing.
This book consist papers on socio-economic and educational status of Muslims of India in general and Tripura in particular.
Contents: 1. Educational status of Muslim in India: problems and prospect/Baishakhi Bhattacharyya. 2. A comparative study of academic achievement in board examinations among the Muslim students in Tripura/Binapani Saha and Tinku De Gope. 3. Knowledge and practice of menstrual hygiene among adolescent Muslim school girls of Kamrup District, ...