Niyogi Books

279 books
While legumes, pulses and lentils are used in many parts of the world – North Africa, southern Europe, West Asia, China and the countries of Latin America – it is in the Indian sub-continent that they are cooked not just on a wide scale but also with unmatched culinary skills and imagination. The daal is a staple food of this region, consumed by all economic brackets at all times of the year. This book is a tribute to the rich and awesome diversity of ...
Art, literature, music and other intellectual expressions of a particular society are together regarded as the culture of that society. Ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society are also its ‘culture’. Contrary to what we think, it is not easy to describe ‘culture’, nor is it easy to write the cultural history. Writing the history of Bengali culture is even more difficult because Bengali society is truly plural ...
Buddhadeva Bose, the noted Bengali littérateur, once observed that the greatest treasure of Bangla literature is its children’s and young adults’ literature. The achievements of stalwarts as various as Rabindranath Thakur, Upendrakishore Ray Chowdhury, Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay, Sukumar Ray, Manik Bandyopadhyay, Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay, Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay, Narayan Gangopadhyay, Sunil Gangopadhyay, Satyajit Ray and many others in ...
Kuldhara, a village in the Rajasthan desert, perched at the edge of time. Abandoned, cursed, nearly two hundred years ago, to remain a heap of rubble and stone. It lies dreaming of its vibrant past when the streets echoed with laughter and the fields swayed green and gold. What happened one night that drove its inhabitants from their homes, never to return? Did they flee to preserve their honour, when the covetous gaze of a local lord fell on Pari, the ...
Intizar Husain is the finest writer of Urdu prose and the most brilliant story-teller of the post-partition generation. The two novellas, Day and Dastan (Din Aur Dastan), his favourite texts, show his versatility and fictional inventiveness. Day, a realistic story, is a meditation on the cruellest of events to have scarred our times – migrations. When people are forced to move to new homes or new geographies, they only recall a mix of uncanny facts, streets ...
P.C. Sorcar is one of the greatest magicians of the twentieth century. He single-handedly revived a languishing Indian art and brought it to the world stage. This book is a pictorial account of his metamorphosis into the Maharaja of Magic from very humble beginnings. Written by his son, who was once his apprentice and now carrying on the proud tradition, this is a deeply personal view of the life and times of a towering figure. Photographs culled from various ...
With the recent recognition of Chandigarh's Capitol Complex as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the spotlight on its creator, Le Corbusier considered the 20th century's greatest architect-planner attains a more illustrious glow. Against this backdrop, Le Corbusier Rediscovered: Chandigarh and Beyond weaves together an anthology of inspired essays by eminent, global experts on Corbusier's life, ideas and work, both in Chandigarh and at other places.
The diverse yet ...
This book, a two-volume set, contains thought-provoking essays on sustainable development as well as award-winning photographs from Photosphere 2016, which culminated in an outdoor exhibition titled 'Panchtattvas: The Road Ahead'. The exhibition, held at New Delhi's India Habitat Centre, aimed to create not only a new language of photography but to sensitise the public on significant stories about sustainability through photo-installations that were freed from ...
A dramatic encounter with a belligerent tiger a near-death experience, hunting for missing tigers, a mystifying leopard who attacks humans at will with no fear, tracking and monitoring tigers and the fascinating story of an aggressive male tiger. These and other true-life tales form part of my encounter with the big cat and other adventures in Ranthambhore. The author also pays tribute to the unsung heroes of Ranthambhore who gave up their lives and livelihood ...
Jennie de Villiers, an idealistic and politically engaged student, suddenly has to flee her native South Africa with a boyfriend whom she no longer loves—only to be stranded as an exile in neighbouring Swaziland. Fending for herself in a new culture, she discovers new ways of living and a kind of music that moves her deeply.As the story moves between Africa and 1970s London,the music of different cultures is woven through the narrative. Jennie works, ...