Ocean Books (P) Ltd.

72 books
Generally, it is politics; subject matter and photographs related to films occupy maximum space in newspapers, magazines and journals. It is seen, in practice, that almost everyone has an interest in films; he or she may be a seven-year-old school-going child or a seventy year old retired man or a working woman. In spite of their interest, they have very limited knowledge about various issues related to films. A book providing authentic and interesting ...
This work of monumental research is atreatise on Ayodhyã with utmostauthenticity and absolute accuracy. Basedon original sources and scientificinvestigation it propounds a new thesis,which demolishes many popularperceptions. It exonerates the intrepidwarrior Babur from the charge ofdemolishing a temple on the birth-site ofRãma and constructing the mosque whichhas been a source of contention anddissension for long. It further shows howinscriptions in ...
Why is it that a mere sight of Sindhu resonates the cords of the heart and enthralls the soul? It is so probably because a view of Sindhu revives the past thousands of years of annals of history. It is same divine river in whose enfoldments, our civilization evolved, our culture and our society flourished and because of whom our name Hindu was derived; whose wharfs witnessed the coruscating scripturing of Vedas; where the saints and the sages cogitated and ...
The urge to explore is an ancient one in the human species. The earliest explorations were driven by physical needs like food and shelter. But later with greater resources at their disposal, human beings became curious about their extended geographical environment and began to venture further from their safe zone.
Over time mankind began to recognize that with successful exploration came rewards. In fact access to virgin natural resources was one of the driving ...
India got freedom but still we are lagging behind in comparision to other countries who also got independence in the some era as we got. We are still struggling to achieve what we should have attained much earlier. What we see on the surface of reality is the opposite of what is there on paper. We discover that we have not moved forward but pushed back. There is nothing unusual in the problems of hunger, want, health, hygiene, water supply and education. But what ...
Last year Chowksey wrote Mahatma Gandhi and Cinema, now his fictional account of how the TAJ was created is being published. It is a historical fact that the Moghuls brought with them the Persian culture when they came to India. At that time Indian culture was a bit worn-out because of continuous foreign attacks for centuries. Moghuls were different from other invaders in the sense that they wanted to settle down here and the founder of the Moghul Empire Babur ...
BJP is a political party rich in distinct ideology possessing an army of committed and dedicated workers. Added to this is a succession of capable, industrious and talented leaders. Our collective endeavour would accelerate the process of development and instill probity in public life. On being returned to power, our commitment would be to establish Su-Raj (good governance).
A negligent and lethargic attitude about casting one’s vote, despite having the ...
The present work is a collection of essays/articles, mainly on political theory written by Professor Raghuveer Singh, who was an eminent scholar of political philosophy, well-known in India and abroad. A highly original thinker and a mighty stalwart of classical political thought, his articles cover a wide range of topics, such as, metaphysics, philosophy, modern values, methodologies, social justice, dilemmas, causality and, ancient and modern political ...
Without wasting time on any further questions, Shankar dialled the telephone number of the Prime Minister’s residence. Unfortunately, the Prime Minister had left for the radio station.
Shankar rushed back to give the message to Sardar. Sardar impatiently said: “Shankar, leave immediately for the Radio Station. Go quickly. Try to hold back the Prime Minister’s speech. By no means should the matter related to plebiscite and UNO be relayed. If this ...
India got freedom in 1947 but unfortunately it has not been able to attain the level of advancement and development as was desired, and was achievable too.
This book will pave the way towards solution of our problems and resolution of disputes. It will turn the tide favourable, make the environment congenial, smash the dark clouds of despair to usher in brightness of hope, will purify the mind, and provide sublimity to the soul. A new dawn of hope will bring in a ...