Pointer Publishers

370 books
The book is intended to examine different parameter of human development in India taking into consideration of economic growth of India in recent past and to what extent economic growth remained inclusive for disadvantage and vulnerable groups in India. There is very little disagreement that the Indian macroeconomic performance has indeed been credible - higher and resilient growth, rising per capita income, a change in the national psyche, which is buttressed by ...
Gender equality is not only a basic human right, but also essential foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. Gender equality is achieved when women, men and transgender enjoy the same rights and opportunities across all sectors of society, including socio-economic participation and decision–making. It also includes the different behaviours, aspirations and needs of women and men are equally valued and favoured. Gender equality also ...
Every community is bearing its separate social, cultural and economic properties. Castes those are economically poor and socially neglected are included in scheduled castes. The statutory lists of scheduled castes are notified pursuance of articles 341 of the Constitution of India. After special notification for scheduled castes in Constitution of India, these castes are very poor in economic and social condition, than other castes and are poorly developed. In ...
The objective of the book is to bring forth the awareness of human rights amongst the adolescents who are the future citizens of the Indian society. It is indeed the adolescents who will create and decide what is the actual value of these rights. With the awareness of their fundamental and human rights are the adolescents aware of their duties, too? This book is on to find out whether adolescents are really aware of their human rights and if they are aware how ...
"The application of newer biotechnological techniques provides practical approaches for improvement of both the quality and quantity production. Appropriate application of biotechnological techniques will increasingly play a crucial role in ensuring an adequate world food supply, environmental management, industrial development and public health sector areas.
The present book "Biotechnological Techniques and Its Application" incorporates articles ...
The present book "Sustainable Agriculture and Biodiversity Conservation" incorporates 13 articles on agriculture, biodiversity and medicinal plants covering holistic information on the subject. One section deals with chapters on : Diversified Agronomic technology for sustainable agriculture is 21st century; Organic farming an important option for production of Bio-energy and climate resilient agriculture in India; Indian seed sector : Quality seed ...
The book covers variety of topics viz., Water pollution : sources effects and control; Adverse performance of hydropower projects due to chemical nature of water; Ecological stress on the diversity of aquatic flora and fauna; Toxicity of ammonium per chlorate waste water fish Tilapia massambica; Toxicity of chlorinated pesticides on vital organs of fish Puntius tiato; Impact of heavy metal contamination of industrial waste water on cultivated vegetables; ...
Vegetables crops are attacked by number of pathogens like fungi, bacteria, nematodes, viruses, as well as abiotic stress and other improper agricultural practices. Lot of information has been generated on disease management of vegetable crops, even after lot more needs to be done for its effective management. The present book "Diseases of Vegetable Crops and Their Management" compile the major diseases occurring on the commercially important vegetable ...
Intelligence And Security Management INTELLIGENCE is vital to national security. Hed our intelligence and security services been doing their job well, the country would not have been in the mess it is. We are in a mess because so far no one really told the policy-makers and the people at large what was wrong with intelligence. This book, for the first time in the world, presents a brilliant study of what intelligence is, how best it can be procured, what it can ...