Power Publishers

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This book is a collection of political essays and commentaries written over a period of two years (2012-13). The impetus for writing these was primarily the unfolding events in the Asian continent - spanning the region from the Middle-East to South-East Asia - that had immediate and lasting political repercussions for the region and at times for the world at large.Since they were written at the time of the events taking place, a certain amount of prediction ...
No one knows where from and what purpose one has taken the present avatar. Also, no one knows where one goes after death. What will happen next moment is not known. Why past happened as the way it has happened is not known. Why the present is happening as it is happening is not known. For some, life is mystical. For many, life is real and painful. For the rest, life is magical. Whether life is mystical or real and painful or magical, the fact remains that it is ...
The central theme of the book is religious philosophy. The book has, however, come into shape through a process of combination of different strands from five branches of knowledge: history, philosophy, literature, law and science. The intertwining has been done with a view to cutting a seemingly different path to reach the crux of theistic philosophy.
The book is a comprehensive treatise on the subject of 'siddha yoga'. it throws light on the much famous subject of 'kundalini' and the physiological changes accompanying the spiritual evolutionary process, in the backdrop of the author's personal experiences. the indispensability of a siddha guru is highlighted in the processes set in motion, brought home by the practical catalytic methods of 'mantra', 'yantra' and 'yajna'. the book seeks to impress that ...