Publication Scheme

55 books
Hammir of Ranthambor was the bravest of all brave. He was ambitious, resolute, indomitable, unflinching-undaunted, chivalrous, lionhrearted and a man of words which he kept till last, and even today he is well know for that.A lioness gives birth to a cub only once; once alone is the word of a good man given; once only does a plantain bear fruit, a woman is anointed only once with oil for marrige and once alone did Hammir gives his irrevocable promise.In the ...
The Bhagavadgita is a rare literary classic whose ideas and philosophy have continued to inspire great thinkers, leaders and the common man for over three millennia. It epitomizes the revolutionary teachings of Krishna, the greatest teacher of Hinduism and the harbinger of a new era. The original Bhagavadgita consisted of twelve chapters, which in the course of a millennium rose to eighteen. Thus a considerable part of the present Bhagavadgita consists of ...
The Bhils, one of the largest tribal community in India, are at present facing an ‘identity crisis’ more or less similar to that experienced by several other tribals of the country. Hence, great caution is needed for formulating policies towards their assimilation in the main stream of our national life. For this purpose a study of their ancient culture and their interaction with their neighbours since the historic period till the end of the colonial area, ...
This book which is based on around 8000 references from the Vedas Upanisads, Puranas, Darsanas & major Ayurvedic texts, thorough analysis of the principles which form building blocks of the universe, tries to make an approach in the realm of the ultimate reality. It is a maiden attempt to show that the views about the principles of the universe, expressed by various schools of thought are dissident, in fact they are describing the same principles in slightly ...
The rulers of Rajputana under Mughal hegemony, have been designated as Zamindars by (late) Prof. Nurul Hasan. Karkhanas, literally mean a place where a "workshop" is located for public use, but in the medieval context it carried a different connotation. The Rajput States taking clue from the medieval chroniclers applied it to include workshops of manufactures, royal household, court, royal stables, stores of articles of food and drink besides true ...
The fire has attracted the attention of mankind for adoration all over the world from the very beginning of human history. This book presents the history of Fire-Worship in Ancient India, tracing it’s origin, growth and development in the country. The main aim of the book has been to trace the successive phases of development of basic ideals, rituals and conceptions of Fire-Worship as reflected primarily in the Brahmanical literature of India. The ...
The excavations at the Proto-Historic site. Paidigutta, were taken up to trace the cultural sequence belonging to the Neolithic-Chalcolithic, Megalithic and early historic periods and to find its relation with the one found in its middle reaches and the nearby sites just away from the confluence. Though early historic period data is not found at Paidigutta, that data is found at Chagaturu, a site developed as an independent site but few meters away from ...
The present catalogues is of selected pieces of Sculptures and terracotta collections housed at present in the Archaeological Museum of A.M.U., Aligarh. This is intended to bring out to the notice of the art scholars in particular and public, in general, the art pieces which represent the art of ancient India. The author is simply amazed to look at the rich collection of terracotta and sculptures which point out craftsmanship of artists who have made them with ...
The book is an authentic monograph on Atattvabhinivesha. The Atattvabhinivesha is a disease of perplexed identity in the Charak Samhita. The confusion creates due to two different commentaries on it by Chakrapani, the great commentator of Charak Samhita. While in Sutrasthana he described Atattvabhinivesha as 'Eko Mahagada' means the immense disease; he straightway refused its description in Chikitsa Sthana saying it as 'Anarsha' means edition of its text by ...
The present volume may not be taken merely as a collection of papers on the Painted Grey Ware industry, but more as a reference-book for the future researchers on the problem. Each paper raises some searching question of poses certain problem or throws sufficent light on recent findings. Almost all leading archaeologists of the country engaged in those days with the P.G.W. issues, attended the seminar, presented their papers and participated in the discussions. ...
This book mainly confines itself to the study of cultural history of Krsna - Guntur dists, (lower Krsna valley), the hard core area of Andhra Pradesh in the context of establishing its cultural relations with the Southeast Asian countries including Srilanka. It tries to make it clear that the lower Krsna Valley was the life centre of entire Andhradesa. Thereafter it diffused in establishing its pacified cultural relationship with Southeast Asian countries. The ...
This is a work that provides an excellent introduction to the art forms of this important period (20 century) and then brings the reader to a detailed understanding of several key works in painting, sculpture and stage design. In addition, Dr. Chaturvedi’s writing encourages the reader to pursue the further study of these subjects, thereby enriching and enhancing one’s understanding of the truly interdisciplinary approach of today’s stage designers and ...
This book is a monograph on Lekhana property described in Ayurveda. A detailed study of Ayurvedic literature reveals that Lekhana as a property was first explained in Charaka Samhita. The Lekhaniya drugs and concept of Lekhana remained as an unexplored mystery in Ayurvedic science. Apart from Lekhaniya Dashemani group of herbs, number of medicinal and food plants, which are having Lekhana property, have been mentioned in the texts. Lekhana is very broad term in ...
The present work is perhaps the most exhaustive study of Jaipur Wall Paintings written by any art scholar on this theme. Wall Paintings occupy an important place in the art tradition of India. The wall paintings of Ajanta and Bagh caves are famous all over the world. In an exclusive chapter the writer has discussed at length the heritage of wall paintings in India from the prehistoric times. The wall paintings were popular not only among the royalty and rich, ...
Sufism forms the comerstone of Islamic religious thought and practice, as it is the supreme source to attain spiritual truth and bliss through moral ethics, selfless truth and bliss through moral ethics, selfless love to God and service to His creatures without discrimination. It is founded on the total surrender to the will of god and absolute devotion to Him alone. It envisages a peaceful harmonious social order for the moral and spiritual progress of society. ...
The volumes embody the results of archaeological excavations conducted at Senuwar, district Rohtas, Bihar by r. Birendra Pratap Singh, one of the senior-most archaeologist of the Banaras Hindu University who has experience of field research of over three decades. The work highlights the potential of this area in terms of understanding the socio-economic conditions of the Neolithic, Neolithic-chalcolithic and Chalcolithic population. The site provides conclusive ...
"An attempt is made in this work to present the female form in all its dimensions." The approach is interpretative and appreciative but in doing so the aesthetic values have not been overlooked. The female sculpture appearing on the walls of the sacred templed demand their legitimate dues. The rich imagination, the almost perfect skills of the artists and the implied significance of the themes carved remain to be looked into. An attempt is therefore ...
Many aspects of human life, culture and environment are enshrined in our ancient heritage. The book entitled Heritage Management is an attempt for making people aware of their heritage. Preservation, Interpretation, presentation and documentation of cultural heritage are the principal areas of activities of heritage management, because heritage management is meaningless in their absence. The book is a collection of some select research papers of Prof. (Dr.) ...