Publications Division Govt. of India

Showing all 11 books
This monograph is on the life and works of the noted Telugu actor, film-maker, music composer and singer Chittoor V. Nagaiah who dominated the formative years of south Indian cinema. Nagaiah's film career spanning about four decades saw over 300 films in Telugu, Tamil and Kannada. His name became synonymous with different Saint Poets that he portrayed on the silver screen.
The Chapters contained inthis book are extracts from 'The Gazetteer of India - History and culture'. The Book Present an absorbing account of the rise and fall of various dynasties and kingdoms across the country from early 13th century to the Third Battle of Panipat in 1761 A. D. and its impact on social, political and cultural life of India.
First Garden of the Republic documents the flora and fauna of the Estate across the seasons. It shows how human agency creates and curates this habitat, looking particularly at the quiet yet constant work done by the mails (gardeners). This book explores how plants and animals make the President’s Estate their own, adapting it to their ends, and the challenges these living creatures and their habitats face today.
This volume brings together the scholarly attention of different specialists on the history of art, visual culture, furniture, carpets and textiles, and paintings of the Rashtrapati Bhavan. Their chapters provide an illuminating political and cultural history of the interior design of India's presidential residence which was originally designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens to be the house for the British viceroy. The book also provides a detailed catalogue of select ...
Walking in the grounds of Lutyens' palace when it was still the viceroy's House, Mahatma Gandhi told Lord Mountbatten that it would have to be turned into a museum once the British had finally departed. Mountbatten protested that, on the contrary, the building was perfectly suited to lend grandeur to Asia's largest democracy. Today, as the home of the Indian president, the Rashtrapati Bhavan is a venue for celebrating important moment in the life of the republic ...
The Rashrrapati Bhavan is part of the narrative of international architecture and town-plabbibg, which entered a new phase at the beginning of the 20th century. It is the last of the many 'palaces; built in Delhi over centuries. It is also the last of the palatial residences built by the British in India. The designing of the Viceroy's House marked a crucial moment in the balavce Indian and British builders, an issue touching the question of style and sunstance, ...
This album represents the origin of Indian culture, the development of Buddhism and permanent influence, which Buddhism has exerted upon India's cultural history. It shows how Buddhism is even today a vital force in the life of the Indian people.
THE WAY OF THE BUDDHA is published as a companion volume to the book 2500 Years of Buddhism. It has been designed as an album narrating in pictures the life-story of the Buddha and the growth and spread of Buddhism. With ...