Punthi Pustak

131 books
This is a critical study of the Kularnava Tantra, which is a tantra text with 15 chapters. The volume studies all significant features of the tantra text including the importance of the Kaula region in human life, the part played by kulaguru in imparting salvation to his shishya or disciples, relation between the guru and the shishya and the importance of the Paraprasada mantra in the context of the Kularnava Tantra. Trying to present the tantric views in a clear ...
This work is my Ph. D. thesis. I have done a critical study of the Buddhacarita which is the most famous work amongst works of Asvaghosa the Buddhist poet and philospher. Apart from the literary point of view, it has also importance from Various other points of view. This work has historical importance and it also gives a description about the life and activities of Gautama Buddha along with the buddhist philosophy. Besides, we may also know the socio-political ...
Causality and its application: Samkhya, Buddha and nyaya is not only a commentary on the views of classical Indian philosophers, but also contains explanations of concepts which are indispensable for understanding metaphysics, epistemology and ethics, among many other things. This book deals with a range of questions, such as whether the material cause contains the effects in its subtle form, whether causally can be defined in terms of efficacy, whether causal ...
A Literary Appraisal of Pali Poetical Works' is the first attempt of its kind and undoubtedly the most unique contribution to the field of literary. appreciation of pali poetical work. The book with nine chapters furnishes an analytical, comprehensive and critical study on the art of poetry of the twelve poetical taxts of the Khuddaka Nikaya and two other Non-canonical literary pieces. In this book, for the first time, we get true picture of literary beauty of ...
In the garden of Civilisation and Culture, religion is generally observed as a tascinating flower. Flower is viewed from its elegance and iragrance. Efflorescent in Eastern India, Sahaja- yana, from Seventh Century A.D. onwards exerted a splendid fascination over the minds of the people of India and even abroad by its lofy ideas ideal ideals. By its principles, philosophy and pragma.ism it advocated a system of Anuttara yoga, or transcendental meditation, ...
Twilight Speech is a collection of essays and translations by an accomplished American poet who has spent years studying the classical poetries and poetics of India. The various writings in this book take up folklore, music and Buddhist poetics, as well as examining how these have influenced contemporary concerns, such as environmentalism and avant-garde poetry. Many of the essays are illuminated by translations, which serve as guides to the old poetries-secular ...
Asceticism is derived from a Greek work meaning training. The athelete was one trained and one might be an athelete in Virtue. So very early the ascetic became the spiritual athelete of Church History.” “Two quite different conceptions mingle in the history of asceticism. One of these preserves the original meaning of discipline of the body for some ultimate purpose, as when William James urges sacrifice to God and duty as a means of training the ...
The Digha - Nikaya provides us with a pan-picture of the socio-economic as well as religious condition prevalent in ancient India at the time of its compilation. Though the aims and objects of the Suttantas of the Digha - Nikaya are not avowedly secular, the Suttantas depict society from an independent point of view, and give details, specially, of the darker phases of social life with the fullness and vairety that we generally miss in the sacred texts: Here in ...
The Sun has been defined as a God and worshipped as an embodiment of natural and supernatural powers. The meaning of the Sun is brilliant, shining that has drawn the notice of mankind for adoration all over the world from very beginning of the human history. It has gained the position of pre-eminence over all the deities of the nature in the ancient times. The Sun constitute an essential feature of the religious and spiritual consciousness of the Indians through ...
Through the present work entitled “Indra in Indian Mythology” the author gives an interesting and fascinating account of “Indra”- the king of Gods. Indra is well known to each and every body as Indra Devata, the Rain God. It is the impression of the general Public that heavy rain or adequate or death of rain is due to the pleasure and displeasure of Indra Devata. So as to satisfy him the people offer worship and perform yajna for raining. ...
This book is the collection of a few essays written mainly on tantra and Vaisnavism. Some essays on the philosophers of Badarayana’s Brahma-sutra, samkhya-yoga and Vijnanavada have also been incorporated into it. In these essays, the author has endeavored to present some controversial concepts from their true perspective and to wipe put the misconceptions mostly about Badarayana’s Sri Chaitanya, samkhya-yoga and Vijnanavada.
The Studies in the Mahapuranas is like a diamond with many facets. It epitomises the Puranic information on various aspects of Indian History and Culture Art, Science, Geography, Politics and State Craft, Literature, etc. It is a unique work laying bare the broad spectrum of ancient Indian Knowledge contained in the repository of the Puranas. It contains an up- to-date bibliography of the Puranas, which will be useful to those who wants study whose works from ...