Purbanchal Prakash

33 books
The department of Cultural studies, Tezpur University, is one of the earliest Departments fully devoted to the pursuit of Cultural studies in India. Culture is increasingly being perceived as a premise from within which subjectivities are being validated as a rapidly transforming world grapples with ethnicity, notions of nation, radical revision of history and space. ‘Culture’ is the repository of ideas and values, lifeways, modes of communicating and ...
This book seeks to make a critical appraisal of Samkhya philosophy of prakriti, with special reference to Samkhya-Karika of Isvarakrsna. Highlighting the naturalistic character of Samkhya philosophy, it describes the meaning of Samkhya and its place in Indian philosophical heritage, source material of Samkhya, and the views on Samkhya in epics.
Discussing the basic concepts of Samkhya-Karika, it makes a comparative study of Samkhya-Karika with early Samkhya ...
The scholarly essays broadly cover the impact of globalisation on the economy, socio-cultural life, education, ethnicity, language and literature, and development of tourism in the North-east region of India. They deal with some emerging issues of globalisation, focusing on its impact in the North-east region of India. They view effects of globalisation on the population structure of Assam from 1991-2001, status of women, development of information technology and ...
This anthology of 10 papers attempts to examine the different aspects of cultural studies in India, with special perspectives from the North East region. Identifying major areas of interest in cultural studies, it discusses at length the theoretical premise of rituals, gender issues, ethnicity, heritage, media, folklore and North-East studies.
Analyzing the politics of representation of texts, it tries to track the production of culture through media institutions ...
The Department of Cultural Studies, Tezpur University, is one of the earilest Departments fully devoted to the pursuit of Cultural Dtudies in India. Cultural is increasingly being perveived as a premise from within which subjectivities are being validated as a rapidly transforming world grapples with ethnicity, notions of nation. radival revision of history and space. 'Cultural is the reposoitory of ideas and values, lifeways, modes of communicating and making ...
Superpower is a state with a dominant position in the international system which has the ability to influence events and its own interests and project power on a worldwide scale to protect those interests.A superpower is traditionally considered to be a step higher than a great power. India is undoubtedly a tough country. But its very complexity, conflict and chaos make it at once very attractive and compelling.Over and above these achievements and potentialities ...
Ethics and Values In Life and Literature: A Book On Doctrines for A Better World Is A Compilation of Articles On Ethics and Values With An Intention To Discuss The Importance of Morals and Social Ethics and Values In The Life of Mankind. The Articles In This Book Thrash Out The Different Applied Ethics and The Necessity and Ways To Indoctrinate Them In The Young Minds. There Are Also Articles Explaining The Close Proximity Between Ethics and Literature and The ...