Showing all 14 books
In the year of the 150th anniversary of the revolt of 1857, there has been a spate of historical literature on the epoch revisiting and excavating its various aspects. The author has undertaken a similar probe into the contemporary accounts and dug out valuable information on hitherto unknown socio-economic aspects of the Great Revolt as it took place in Bengal. There has been hardly a single work in this field excepting stray reference to Mangal Pandey's sally ...
The Architectural Glories of Mediaeval Delhi by Dr. Nandalal Chatterji is a pioneering account of Delhi. This work was completed under the sponsorship of the UGC and covers the rich architectural tapestry of Delhi from Khalji's to Tughlak's and Lodi's to Mughals from tenth to eighteenth century.
His work is scholarly and of historic significant research effort on several dynasties, social and political--from historic artistic and human perspective. Also ...
On the life and achievements of Mahatma Gandhi, 1869-1948, Indian nationalist and statesman.
As the title indicates, the present work is chiefly concerned with the task of overcoming certain forms of skepticism regarding other-minds that have plagued and perplexed philosophers throughout the ages. The focus is on epistemological skepticism; skepticism about our knowledge of particular mental states of other people – the specific problem of other-minds. The entire work has been brought out in five chapters. In the chapter I one concern has been to ...
The verse collected in this volume represents about one hundred years of poetical effort; and has its origin in England’s introduction into India of western education. It is worth recording that the first volume of Bengali verse in English appeared five years before Thomas Babington Macaulay gave judgment in favour of the teaching of English in Indian schools and colleges. The fact is significant. It shows that the movement towards English instruction had begun ...
As the author sees it, the Modern Industrial Civilization has made immense contribution to the progress of society, but the progress is much lopsided along with a pronounced materialist bias and indifference to the moral-spiritual aspect of life, leading to what might be called 'a condition of material abundance and spiritual emptiness'. In the present book, the author pinpoints a number of major evils emerging in this civilization and afflicting more and more ...