Rahul Publishing House

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The monograph introduces the remains of a legendary stupa of the Sunga period (2nd-lst century B.C.) which once stood near the village Bharhut in Madhya Pradesh. Since 1876 these precious antiquarian gems are the prized possession of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. The author in his capacity as Director of that Museum had the opportunity to study them afresh and reassess their cultural and artistic merits. The renowned scholar Dr. Mulk Raj Anand in his capacity as ...
Coins play an important role in the development of mankind. After serving their role as currency in their respective periods, they assume a new character as a reliable and unbiased source of history. The importance of coins as a source for ancient Indian historiography has long been realized by the historians. However, for medieval Indian historiography the numismatic evidence provided by the coins have so far not achieved its due position – a fact underlined ...
Social anthropology is an interesting subject based on studies in cultures. Anthropologists have found that certain social groups like tribes, peasants, landless labour as isolated social groups have maintained their separate identity and they possess potentialities of providing information to other social groups which can prove to be of formidable value to them and to the society at large. This book has tried to give information about Indian conditions. The ...
This book is a revised and enlarged version of the Author’s Ph.D. Thesis, ‘Values in Vadantic Tradition’. This book throws light upon how Vendantic mystical values and their counterpart Western Mysticism can become the corner stone of a new civilization and culture. A Comparative and interdisciplinary approach has been used in writing this book. This book is going to be of immense interest to all classes of readers ranging from academicians to general ...
The present work “Encyclopaedia of Indian Tribals†introduces more than two hundred tribnal communities of India. The book is meant for general readers as well for those who wish to know deeply the inter-tribal relationship of any important tribe or a tribal group. The book gives the details of life style of all those tribes which are known to live in our country from thousands of years back to those who have arrived only recently, merely two centuries back. ...
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru loved India and her people and laid the foundation of modem India by fusion of Indian culture and Western technology. In this endeavour he continued throughout his political career to educate the Indian masses in the values of democracy and those of India's rich cultural heritage. This epic endeavour is manifest in his superb statesmanship as in his writings. Several assessments of Nehru's writings have been made till date but all such ...
The Bhagavadgita is the divine word of Bhagavan Sri Krsna the supreme Purusottama or God Himself, who is adored by whole animate and inanimate kingdom, is full of the six divine properties, and is bliss and consciousness soldified. The present work is an effort by the author to present Srimadbhagavadgita in four different ways, i.e. original Sanskrit text - Roman transliteration - Hindi translation (in verse) - English translation to felicitate people from ...
The snacks included in this easy-to-handle guide are not only low calorie and nutritious, but quick and easy to make. Though the word 'Calorie' is mentioned by almost all the age groups, sex and status, but few people really understand that what this term is referring to. Calorie is a measuring unit of heat energy. In our body, this heat is generated by many processes, which are mainly oxidation processes of Protein, carbohydrate and fats. In the introductory ...
The recipes for Salads are easy, quick, simple and totally vegetarian. These recipes will be a great help to those who want to lose weight. A salad can be a combination of any type of ingredients when dressed in a palatable coating of spices and flavors. A salad can be selected to compensate the missing ingredient of the menu, e.g. pulses, cereals, fruits, vegetables, potato etc.