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The human rights activism has made a major commitment to, and openly and visibly taken up, the defence and promotion of the human rights. Developmental programmes of international institutions and procedures for protection of human rights goes together with the proliferation of non governmental international organizations working in the human rights fields. Human rights NGO’s have played a particularly important role in the evolution of the international system ...
The framers of the Indian constitution were men of abilities, experience and vision. They had been successful in attaining independence after a long struggle and were competent enough to frame a wonderful constitution. The constituent assembly had held long discussions and debates and were, thus, able to frame the longest written constitution of the world. Article 30 : Right of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions. 1. All minorities ...
Human beings seem to have an innate need to organise. The need to organise large amounts of knowledge and information led to the development of classifications schemes and other organisational tools. Rapid changes in the way information is generated and accessed lead to changes in the way information is organised for retrieval. The first edition of the Dewey Classification (DDC) was published in 1876 when knowledge was expanding at a fast rate and the public ...