Ratna Prakashan
Showing all 6 books
This is a book on a forgotten chapter of Indian History : The exodus of some 80 Lakhs of Hindus, with a few Buddhists and Christians, from the land mass known today as Bangladesh. The book begins with and overview of Bengali Society and Hindu-Muslim relations in Bengal from the first partition of the province in 1905, and traces the events which eventually gave rise to the partition of this province of British India in 1947. This part is based largely on ...
The objective of this book is to bring together all facts about a most interesting aspect of the libraries during Muslim rule in India which is apt to be missed in the most general histories of the period concerned. The contributions of libraries to learning and culture made by Islam in India are indeed worthy of a special consideration. Their value is more abiding and less brilliant than the political conquests which marked the progress of Muhammadan power in ...
The imposition of colonial rule over Bengal set off a process of multi-faceted interaction in the late eighteenth century. Change was the keyword of this process. Though some historical schools belittle the magnitude of change in the early colonial era, this book demonstrates that a wide range of change occurred in the sectors of agrarian and artisan productions (salt, silk and cloth) and in the Pulbandi business, though not overnight after Plassey but gradually ...
This book examines the coming of the refugees in West Bengal in the year 1947 and their efforts to make a space for themselves in their new found homeland, till the year 1955. The book makes a modest effort to treat their massive problem in its different layers, involving the policy of the government, the role of the opposition, the experiences and adjustment effort of the refugees outside the official discourse, their memory, nostalgia and hope for a better ...