Ratna Pustak Bhandar

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This book is a result of several years research by the author during his stay in Nepal as a German Volunteer assigned to the Building Department (Housing and Physical Department) of Nepal Government. It is a study of the group of buildings in the Kathmandu Valley best described as 'Traditional Nepalese Style....' outlines the religious as well as public and private buildings along with their measurements and line-drawn sketches. The text gives a good and ...
This study has two main aims: (1) to provide an in-depth documentation and analysis of the economic and social processes of a Nepalese village, and (2) to examine how this data relates theoretically to studies of peasant communities in other areas. The fieldwork upon which the study is based was originally carried out in 1971-1972 in the Okhaldhunga District of eastern Nepal. Research centered on two sites, Okhaldhunga Bazar (population 874) and Bigutar ...
This book provides general outlines of Legal Environment of Business in Nepal. We have shaped this book on the basis of our experience as a law teacher in Business and Management Studies and Legal Practitioner. Since this book intends to fulfil the need of students of Business and Management Studies, a through and critical analysis of the entire relevant Act is not included. We will carry out this job in appropriate time and form. Due ...
When People of Nepal, by Dor Bahadur Bista, was first published in 1967, it was the first relatively comprehensive view of the vast array of Nepali cultures, castes and ethnic groups, with descriptions of some of their customs. Since then the book has come out in many editions, but remains a standard against which more recent and more in-depth discussions are held.
Dor Bahadur Bista is considered to have been the pioneering indigenous anthropologist of Nepal. His ...
Nepal has adopted new tax systems during last ten years. The first is the introduction of value added tax in 2054. Next is the new income tax law introduced through the income tax act, 2058 in the same year. The former has introduced completely new tax system; it is right time to assess the effectiveness of and contribution to the revenue of the valued tax. It needs some more years to examine new income tax law that has introduced new rules over the prevailing ...
This book gives a brief historical introduction and makes an attempt to survey Nepalese Buddhism from the past to the present. It contains relevant chapters on Lamaism, Buddhist Communities of Nepal, Buddhist art, literature, scholars and Nepal's Buddhist contacts with some Asian countries. Besides, it has quotes from the views of many native scholars and others about the development of Buddhism in Nepal.