Renaissance Publishing House

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The compilation of documents presented here enables the reader to see the work of the Conference in the context of what was then happening in India and Britain, as well as providing essential raw material for scholars of history and political science. A short introduction indicates the origin of the Muslim Conference and briefly describes its role : the national politics of its days. Each document is annotated with background notes in an appendix; and a ...
The freedom won by the Indian subcontinent from centuries of British subjugation, Immediately after the Second World War set into motion forces that have transformed the political map of the world beyond recognition. The dismemberment of British Empire is a major landmark in the march of history; comparable only to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. The freedom won from the British resulted into the birth of two sovereign nations-India and Pakistan. The ...
The renaissance ushered in the modern age. Its spirit expressed itself creatively in a hundred ways--in literature and the arts, philosophy and the sciences, economics and politics, in living styles and social organisation. Its achievements have been phenomenal. Nevertheless, the age has also been greatly troubled by contradictions and setbacks, problems and disorders, wars and revolutionary upheavals and today it faces a global crisis of unprecedented magnitude. ...
The book - "Evolution of Social Institution of Islam During the Firs Century of Hijrah" is most probably the first and the unique treatise on the-topic, where in the author has discussed in detail, various elements, institutions and social developments of the period. He has also very ably conducted a comparative study of different religions and systems with which Islam came into contact. At the same time, he has given a considerable account of the ...
The two pre-Muslim dynasties of Gandhara and Kabul were called Shasi (Sahi). These dynasties were qualified as Turks and Hindus. The word 'Shahi' is also known from Ibn Hauqual (D 976) Albiruni has done a great service to the early medieval rulers of North-West India and Afghanistan by investigating their history. The history of the Eastern branch of the Turks Sahis, with Kabul and Gandhara as its centre of Power is very obscure. ...
In Pakistani schools and colleges what is being taught as history is really national mythology, and the subjects of Social Studies and Pakistan Studies are nothing but vehicles of political indoctrination. Our children don't learn history. They are ordered to read a carefully selected collection of falsehoods, fairy tales and plain lies. Why and how has this come about? Who is reponsible for it? In what ways is this destroying the country? Why doesn't anyone ...
The history of the Muslim community of the Indo-Pakistan subcontinental has seldom found its rightful place in historical literature. This is not due to any dearth of material, because the Muslims have been ken recorders of events. Nor does this history lack elements of interest; even as a tale of adventure it is worth telling. The Muslims established and sustained an empire in the subcontinent which lasted for several centuries. When it declined and fell, it ...
This book is concerned with the role that the Ulema played in the politics of the Indian subcontinent. It covers a period of a little less than four centuries from 1556 to 1947. It has been the endeavour to portray their activities faithfully and sympathetically, because otherwise it would have been impossible to understand them properly. Similarly wherever praise is justified, it has not been with held, because history must pay its tribute to the greatness of ...
A very learned commentary on public interest litigation and the role of the apex court. Gives list of public interest cases and addresses of public interest lawyers and groups. A monograph dealing with all the cases dealt with by the Supreme Court of India.
The Partition in 1947 of an indivisible India is difficult to forget and dangerous to remember. It left rivers of blood flowing and heaped untold miseries on the innocent people of India, the description of which is beyond the scope of human language. A tragedy of this magnitude never occurred in the entire history of South Asia it was a tragedy in the classic mould where death and suffering occurred without anybody wanting it or feeling responsible for it. ...
An analysis of the long correspondence between the Viceroy and Gandhi on the latter's release from jail in the middle of last year, eventually, covered a much wider ground. It is now published in the form of this book. Though originally written as a series of essays on the different facets of nationalism, an analysis of the concept of freedom is the central theme of the book. On other occasions, the author have written extensively on the economic and political ...