Ritu Publications

99 books
Tourism geography is that branch of science which deals with the study of travel and its impact on places. Tourism Geography is the study of tourism and travel, as a cultural and social activity and as an industry. Tourism geography covers several variety of interest such as the environmental impact of tourism, leisure economies geographies of tourism, and the locations of tourism and sociology of tourism, answering tourism industry and management concerns. ...
The present volume Contemporary American Literature is a major critical study comprising of textual topics and writers keeping in view the prescribed syllabi of different Indian Universities.
The book provides full length critical insight on major American scholars, poets, novelists, humorists critics and essayists.
It also deals with the naturalism postmodern movement innovative poetry and new literature. This book will be helpful to the students research ...
The present volume is a full length critical study on various trends and themes of English poetry. It provides readings in history, tradition and philosophical details of contemporary poetry in English.
The book analyses the works of major writers of poetry in contemporary times. It includes the background study and social conditions of the present age. An attempt has been made to discuss the themes and trends prevalent in English poetry and critically analyze ...
This book provides an in-depth critical study on Indian English Fiction. This book presents chapters that are wide ranging not only in their choice of authors, Like the two novelists of the big trio, R.K. Narayan and Raja Rao on the one hand, and the recent ones like Upamanyu Chatterjee and Manju Kapur on the other. The study discusses the different angles from which these novelists have been discussed. It includes much talked about author like Arundhati Roy as ...
Bio-geographical description of the desert region of India was essential to obtain a proper perspective on the phytogeographical status of Rajasthan. The description of the physiography and climate of the study area is followed by a description of the vegetation, emphasising its dynamic character. The views in the light of present detailed investigation while revealing some new facts about the Desert Plant Ecology.
In fact, Desert Plant Ecology is an ...
In Micro level development social work groups play a very crucial role. India is now having variety of group practices in social reform sector and transforming rural India day to day. This textbook goes beyond describing these appraches as they relate to various contexts of social work practice. A wealth of case scenarios, discussion questions, and role-play exercises make this an engaging, thought-provoking teaching and learning tool.
NGOs are seen to have a central role in development practice, but the question that remains unanswered, and probably never can be answered, is: what role or roles should this be? This is not a new question; ever since NGOs as institutional forms came to have a role in social development in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, governements have seen them as service providers, while the NGOs' supporters have been them as advocates for social change.
This book seeks to make a genre-wise analysis of the post-modern Indian English literature—poetry, novel, short story, drama and autobiography. Taking a close look at the emerging narrative techniques in Indian English fiction, it examines the modernism in Indian poetry in English.
Taking stock of emerging trends in Indian English drama, it deals with contemporary Indian English poetry, modern Indian women writers in English, image of women in Indian ...