Routledge Curzon

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This innovative New Reader provides students, scholars, and practitioners with a comprehensive overview of essential works of critical theory and critical International Relations (IR) Theory, including the writings of Kant, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, Weber, Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse, Habermas, Linklater and Honneth, among others. Editor Steven C. Roach frames each chapter, showing the major tensions of four periods of the extension of critical theory into ...
As the international community attempts to manage repeated military crises between India and Pakistan, this book examines the standoff of 1990, the first nuclear-tinged confrontation between the two regional rivals. Studying the denouement of one of the first regional crises enables a better understanding of the dynamics of India-Pakistan brinkmanship and points to ways of how long-standing disputes might be pushed towards resolution. Unlike earlier accounts of ...
Writing about Literature combines detailed practical and scholarly advice with a sense of the scope and creative possibilities of literary criticism, empowering the student reader to make his or her own discoveries and experiments with language. In addition, it gives valuable guidance on adult language learning and translation skills for students of foreign literature. This handy, accessible guide covers all aspects of the essay-writing process, including: ...
In this book, Vasubandu's classic work "Refutation of the Theory of Self" is translated and provided with an introduction and commentary. The translation, the first into a modern Western language from the Sanskrit text, is intended for use by those who wish to begin a careful philosophical study of Indian Buddhsit theories of persons. Special features of the introduction and commentary are their extensive explanations of the arguments for the ...
Over the past decade India has been undertaking a programme of economic reform, and at the same time the economy has been growing at a high rate. As part of the reform programme, and in line with prevailing economic thinking. India has been privatizing its large, ungainly public sector. One assumption underlying this programme is the dogma that public-sector enterprises are doomed to inefficiency, and that only through privatization can their efficiency be ...
Challenging conventional and Western approaches to urbanism, this book examines the case of Delhi and how it has evolved from "traditional" to "modern", whilst asking what these terms truly mean in the context of the built environment. This book examines the ways in which a historic, and so-called 'traditional' city quietly mutated into one that was modern in its own terms not only in form but also in its use and meaning. Through a study of ...
Chandra Mallampalli has written a masterful book that explores new scholarly territory at the interstices of legal, political, religious and cultural history. His multi-faceted approach to understanding Indian Christian marginality in Colonial South India yields results that have eluded less comprehensive studies. Mining primary and secondary literatures from a wide variety of archives and disciplines. Mallampalli has produced a groundbreaking ...