Saad Publications

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Education and human resource development will play a key role in the 21th century. Adult education is an indispensable component of the strategy of human resource development and goal of creating a learning society. Achievement of basic literacy is not an end in itself. It is the entry point to the world of information technology.
The aim of adult education programme is to consolidate the basic literacy skills of reading, writing, numeric, and problem solving, ...
Ecotourism is responsible travel to natural areas which conserves the environment and sustains the well-being of local people. In other words it is an environmentally responsible and socially and culturally sound tourism. It is one of the effective means to finance conservation and alternative livelihood. Aim of this book is to provide to our readers various aspects of the subject in proper perspects. Effort has been made to cover important topics from the point ...
This book of NGOs gives an account of NGOs at local national and international levels. How civil society can be instrumental in political change? What is the place of NGOs in a good society? Why NGOs are essential for democratic, decentralized sustainable and people oriented development. What is the role of NGOs in the global context? Aim of the book is to make available to our readers different aspects of the role of NGOs with the help of relevant and important ...
The book is a comprehensive treatise on the contemporary discourses on impact of satellite television programmes in India. The issues in the book have been examined from the perspective of individual media users based on content and audience research. Besides, the story of the evolution and development of television in India has been dealt with in a cogent style. Read the book to know whether the satellite television channels have really eroded the traditional ...
Tribal people are the autochthonous of India. Their sporadical dispersions are mainly found on undulating hilly tracts and forest regions throughout the country. They are much adhored to follow up their socio-cultural orthodox and their economic life is dedicated to pursuit the forest products. Due to the reasons of more backwardness concerned to small size of community, pre-agriculture of economy, high extent of isolation, low level of literacy and others, 74 ...