Samata Books

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In his extraordinary book Guru and Disciple, Swami Abhishiktananda gives a vivid and magnificent account of his meeting with Sri Gnanananda Giri, an Advaitic sage whom he met at his ashram in Tamil Nadu. He regarded this encounter as one of the high points of his life in India, for it was at that time that he recognized Sri Gnanananda as his guru. He spoke of his retreat with his as days of grace, “days of peace and fulfillment. When one was conscious of ...
Yogavasishta or Yogavaasishta Maharamayana is reputed to consist of 32,000 slokas.According to the late Sri Bhagavan Das,Pandit Vrndavana Sarsvata of Benares who passed away in the year 1905 had read through this great work 165 times "and the work consists of 64,000 lines" i.e 32000 slokas.However the printed editions consist of nearly 28,000 slokas.The complete edition is perhaps available in private collections. It is not easy to condense such a great ...
The moment of explaining shifting ideologies and its impact in Bharatanatyam form, content and structure, is a moment of convergence, of past and present, dancer and society. This is a convergence so enduring that despite the pain and struggle the tradition continues to exert its influence on the individual self and society.
This instructional book briefly sketches the essence of dance, the why and what of dance and the influence of Samkhya philosophical system ...
This compilation in Sanskrit originally formed an appendix to the thesis, The Philosophy of Vasistha as presented in Yogavasistha, submitted to the Banaras Hindu University in 1928 by B.L. Atreya for the degree of Doctor of letters. The author has written several books on the philosophy of Yogavasistha and other subjects connected with this magnificent work which swami Rama Tirtha considered as the most wonderful book ever written under the sun, which nobody on ...
The Gospel of Buddha is now close to its centenary. Paul Carus a distinguished philosopher applied himself to the self-chosen task of a compilation according to the old Buddhist records and published the GOSPEL in 1894 which has since been reprinted often and translated into other language. When a man merges his Buddhi, his intelligence, in Bodha Consciousness, then he attains the knowledge of Brahman, he becomes Buddha enlightened. Buddha is an incarnation of ...
Sri Chakra, the king of chakras is a master plan of manifestation drawn by the divine Draughtsman on the board of the infinite, a transcript of the Transcendent, a symbol-image of the supernal verities. The spiritual and occult tradition of the worship of the Mother Goddess and the Sadhana of Srividhya are explained in sixteen chapters in terms of modern thought and understanding. Based on authentic and authoritative Tantric texts the exposition in English is ...
In the history of Advaita after Sri Sankara Bhagavatpada, it is a unique and rare event that is being commemorated by the publication of this Volume-the Diamond Jubilee of the ascension to the Sri Kamakoti Pitha by His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati, Sri Sankaracharya of Kanchi. For sixty years the Acharya has adorned the Holy Seat founded by Sri Sankara Bhagavatpada, making its lustre spread far and wide and bringing solace to innumerable ...
Yogvasistha or Yogavasistha Maharamayana is reputed to consist of 32,000 slokas. According to the late Sri Bhagavan Das, Pandit Vrndavana Sarasvata of Banaras who passed away in the year 1905 had read through this great work 165 times and the work consists of 64,000 lines i.e. 32,000 slokas. However, the printed editions consist of nearly 28,000 slokas. The complete edition is perhaps available in private collections. It is not easy to condense such a great book ...
Tripurarahasyam, of which sage Haritayana is the author, is at present available in two parts: (1) Mahatmyakhanda dealing with the greatness of Goddess Tripura in 6687 verses and (2) Jnanakhanda dealing with Supreme Knowledge in 2163 verses. Srinivasa has written an excellent commentary called tatparyadipika on the jnanakhanda which is the subject matter of the present work. He was a great scholar and initiate of the Srividya school of worship, the philosophy ...
The Ten Great Cosmic Powers are ten great mahavidyas, Great Sciences mentioned in Tantra Shastra, the Powers and Personalities of the Mother of the Universe. Each is a particular cosmic function and each leads to a special realisation of the one reality. The might of KALI, the sound force of TARA, the beauty and bliss of SUNDARI, the vast vision of BHUVANESHWARI, the effulgent charm of BHAIRAVI, the striking force of CHINNAMASTA, the silent inertness of DHUMAVATI ...
The Way to Supreme Bliss. (24th chapter of paramanandatantram being an exposition of the Path to Self-realization) Translated with extensive notes by Samvid. This is a companion volume to the "Essence of Tripurarahasya", containing in a short compass, the most effective practices leading the sadhaka to Self-realization. Mahesvaranandanatha has written an excellent commentary on this esoteric work which is an invaluable guide to the understanding of this ...
'The world of words which can talk about us has yet to come into existence' (Amrtanubhava, VIII. 5) thus said Jnanadeva because it is very difficult for words to convey appropriately the experience of the saints when they attain the state of liberation. In that state when the individual merges into the Absolute then 'of what use is the legion of words?' (V. 62). As soon as the words issue forth before their meanings follow in their wake, they disappear like the ...
Prabodhasudhakara has been translated for the first time into English by Samvid and it is published on the birthday of Sri Sankaracarya. The Acharya's commentaries are better known than his original writings and this title is one of the lesser known works. Prabodhasudhakara, like other works of Sri Sankaracharya, is complete in itself. It is a poem in nineteen sections consisting of two hundred and fifty-seven verses, taking the human being as he is through a ...
It is strange that a book which won such wide popularity during the latter half of the eighteenth century should be now forgotten. Discovered in Lhasa, translated by an unknown author, and dedicated by him to the Earl of Chesterfield, the Economy of Human Life made its first appearance here in the year 1751. Little is known of its origin, but such particulars as have come to light are set forth in the letters, addressed by the translator to his distinguished ...
The Complete book with Spiritual Maxims, Gathered Thoughts, Conversations and letters by Brother Lawrence. Those in the thick of the great world will learn from this book how greatly they deceive themselves, seeking for peace and joy in the false glitter of the things that are seen, yet temporal: those who are seeking the Highest Good will gain from this book strength to persevere in the practice of the virtue.
Sri Aniravan wrote almost exclusively in Bengali and only occasionally in English. This is a collection of all his English writings except his letters which he wrote to his western and non- Bengali friends and disciples. The present volume contains nine essays, the first on Buddhiyoga being the most considerable. In these essays, Sri Anirvan covers a wide area and touches upon most of the salient points of Hindu spirituality, directly and indirectly. He roams ...
Sri Jnanadev or Jnaneshwar, Poet and Yogi, Jnani and Bhakta, was on this earth for about twenty years, nearly seven hundred years ago. His brief life was a divine event. The Bhagavad Gita embodies the essence of the Vedic Religion within a short compass and in the most popular form. That glorious dialogue between Nara and Narayana, Arjuna and Sri Krishna, is aptly described as Jnanamaya maya Pradipa-the Light of Knowledge. Jnaneshwar Maharaj had, at a very young ...