Satyam Publishing House

104 books
The relationship between France and India is deeply rooted in our common history. From these historical relations was born a strategic partnership the French President stated in February 2013 in Mumbai. This was the need which he wanted to bring out that France and India should share a particular link based on common history. Indeed, from the first half of the 17th century, France has been one of the major European powers trying to establish colonies in India. ...
Emergence of predominantly multi-ethnic and multi-religious Central Asian Republics (CARs) has added a new strategic dimension to the geopolitics of the whole of Asia and more so on, for the countries located in its immediate neighbourhood. Central Asia lies at the strategic junction between two nuclear powers, Russia and China, and at the interface between Russia and the Islamic world. It shares borders with Afghanistan, which is a major source of spreading ...
Socialism is “A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole”. Nehru also believed in the socialism and he named the socialist society as good society. The roots of Nehru’s view on socialism can be traced back to time of his studies in Europe, especially in Cambridge. When he was studying in Cambridge, he was ...